Renata Gonçalves Mendes
Renata Gonçalves Mendes
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Cited by
Reduction in hospitalised COPD exacerbations during COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JS Alqahtani, T Oyelade, AM Aldhahir, RG Mendes, SM Alghamdi, ...
PLoS One 16 (8), e0255659, 2021
Resistance exercise training improves heart rate variability and muscle performance: a randomized controlled trial in coronary artery disease patients
FR Caruso, R Arena, SA Phillips, JC Bonjorno Jr, RG Mendes, ...
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 51 (3), 281-9, 2015
Heart-rate variability and blood-lactate threshold interaction during progressive resistance exercise in healthy older men
RP Simões, RG Mendes, V Castello, HG Machado, LB Almeida, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 24 (5), 1313-1320, 2010
The influences of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) associated with physiotherapy intervention in phase I cardiac rehabilitation
A Borghi-Silva, RG Mendes, FSM Costa, VAP Di Lorenzo, CR Oliveira, ...
Clinics 60, 465-472, 2005
Noninvasive ventilation acutely modifies heart rate variability in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
A Borghi-Silva, MS Reis, RG Mendes, CBF Pantoni, RP Simoes, ...
Respiratory medicine 102 (8), 1117-1123, 2008
Adjuncts to physical training of patients with severe COPD: oxygen or noninvasive ventilation?
A Borghi-Silva, RG Mendes, AC Toledo, LMM Sampaio, TP da Silva, ...
Respiratory care 55 (7), 885-894, 2010
Potential effect of 6 vs 12-weeks of physical training on cardiac autonomic function and exercise capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A Borghi-Silva, RG Mendes, R Trimer, CR Oliveira, GA Fregonezi, ...
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 51 (2), 211-221, 2015
Short-term supervised inpatient physiotherapy exercise protocol improves cardiac autonomic function after coronary artery bypass graft surgery–a randomised controlled trial
RG Mendes, RP Simões, FDSM Costa, CBF Pantoni, L Di Thommazo, ...
Disability and rehabilitation 32 (16), 1320-1327, 2010
Non‐invasive ventilation improves peripheral oxygen saturation and reduces fatigability of quadriceps in patients with COPD
A BORGHI‐SILVA, L Di Thommazo, CBF Pantoni, RG Mendes, ...
Respirology 14 (4), 537-544, 2009
Cardiac autonomic responses during upper versus lower limb resistance exercise in healthy elderly men
HG Machado-Vidotti, RG Mendes, RP Simões, VC Simões, AM Catai, ...
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 18 (01), 9-18, 2014
Challenges in the implementation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease guidelines in low-and middle-income countries: an official American Thoracic Society workshop report
JR Hurst, AS Buist, M Gaga, GE Gianella, B Kirenga, EM Khoo, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 18 (8), 1269-1277, 2021
Global current practices of ventilatory support management in COVID-19 patients: an international survey
JS Alqahtani, RG Mendes, A Aldhahir, D Rowley, MD AlAhmari, ...
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 1635-1648, 2020
Lactate and heart rate variability threshold during resistance exercise in the young and elderly
RP Simões, V Castello-Simões, RG Mendes, B Archiza, DA Santos, ...
International journal of sports medicine 34 (11), 991-996, 2013
Cardiovascular, respiratory, and functional effects of home-based exercise training after COVID-19 hospitalization.
AA Viana, AD Heubel, SN Linares, B Martinelli, PHC Witzler, ODEO GY, ...
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 54 (11), 1795-1803, 2022
Identification of anaerobic threshold by analysis of heart rate variability during discontinuous dynamic and resistance exercise protocols in healthy older men
RP Simoes, V Castello‐Simões, RG Mendes, B Archiza, DA Dos Santos, ...
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 34 (2), 98-108, 2014
Inter and intra-rater reliability of short-term measurement of heart rate variability on rest in diabetic type 2 patients
D Bassi, AD Santos-de-Araújo, PF Camargo, AV Dibai-Filho, ...
Journal of Medical Systems 42, 1-7, 2018
Turbulent flow in d-type corrugated pipes: flow pattern and friction factor
H Stel, AT Franco, SLM Junqueira, RH Erthal, R Mendes, MAL Gonçalves, ...
Journal of fluids engineering 134 (12), 121202, 2012
Prediction of cardiorespiratory fitness by the six-minute step test and its association with muscle strength and power in sedentary obese and lean young women: a cross …
LP Carvalho, L Di Thommazo-Luporini, M Aubertin-Leheudre, ...
PLoS One 10 (12), e0145960, 2015
Current trends in reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors from around the world: focus on cardiac rehabilitation in Brazil
A Borghi-Silva, RG Mendes, R Trimer, G Cipriano Jr
Progress in cardiovascular diseases 56 (5), 536-542, 2014
Shuttle walking test in obese women: test‐retest reliability and concurrent validity with peak oxygen uptake
SP Jürgensen, R Trimer, VZ Dourado, L Di Thommazo‐Luporini, ...
Clinical physiology and functional imaging 35 (2), 120-126, 2015
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Articles 1–20