Fábio Theoto Rocha
Fábio Theoto Rocha
Pesquisador do Grupo de Processamento de Sinais do Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica do Centro
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Brain mappings of the arithmetic processing in children and adults
FT Rocha, AF Rocha, E Massad, R Menezes
Cognitive Brain Research 22 (3), 359-372, 2005
Economic analysis of vaccination to control bovine brucellosis in the States of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso, Brazil
AJS Alves, F Rocha, M Amaku, F Ferreira, EO Telles, JHH Grisi Filho, ...
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 118 (4), 351-358, 2015
The brain as a distributed intelligent processing system: an EEG study
AF Da Rocha, FT Rocha, E Massad
PLoS One 6 (3), e17355, 2011
Neuroeconomia e processo decisório
Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2011
Brain activity of the investor's stock market financial decision
JP Vieito, AF da Rocha, FT Rocha
Journal of Behavioral Finance 16 (3), 220-230, 2015
Studying the satisfaction of patients on the outcome of an aesthetic dermatological filler treatment
LHF De Arruda, FT Rocha, A Rocha
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 7 (4), 246-250, 2008
Mental retadation: a MRI study of 146 Brazilian children
AF Rocha, CC Leite, FT Rocha, E Massad, GG Cerri, SAO Angelotti, ...
Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria 64, 186-192, 2006
Neurodynamics of an election
AF da Rocha, FT Rocha, MN Burattini, E Massad
Brain Research 1351, 198-211, 2010
Brain activity and medical diagnosis: an EEG study
LM Ribas, FT Rocha, NRS Ortega, AF da Rocha, E Massad
BMC neuroscience 14, 1-15, 2013
Cognitive brain mapping used in the study of entrepreneurial behavior–pilot test with the use of electroencephalogram-EEG during the process of identification of business …
MA Zaro, LC Fagundes, FT Rocha, WC Nunes
American Journal of Educational Research 4 (6), 472-478, 2016
Cognitive brain mapping of auditors and accountants in going concern judgments
CVO Carvalho, E Cornacchione, AF Rocha, FT Rocha
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças 28 (73), 132-147, 2017
A neuromarketing study of consumer satisfaction
A da Rocha, F Rocha, L Arruda
Available at SSRN 2321787, 2013
Moral dilemma judgment revisited: a LORETA analysis
A da Rocha, F Rocha, E Massad
J. Behavioral Brain Sciences, Forthcoming, 2013
Neurofinance: how do we make financial decisions
A da Rocha, JP Vieito, F Rocha
Available at SSRN 2352820, 2013
EEG Activity Associated to Investment Decisions: Gender Differences
A da Rocha, JP Vieito, E Massad, F Rocha, R Lima Filho
Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science 5, 203-211, 2015
EEG acquisition and processing for cognitive brain mapping during chess problem solving
FT Rocha, RGM Junior, TO Horta, FHG Cesar, DM D'Israel, W da Silva, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (3), 1129-1134, 2016
Brain mapping and interpretation of reading processing in children using eeg and multivariate statistical analysis
FT Rocha, CE Thomaz, AF da Rocha, E Massad
2014 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 251-258, 2014
Text complexity of open educational resources in Portuguese: mixing written and spoken registers in a multi-task approach
M Gazzola, S Leal, B Pedroni, F Theoto Rocha, S Pompéia, S Aluísio
Language Resources and Evaluation 56 (2), 621-650, 2022
Mapeamento cognitivo cerebral de auditores e contadores em julgamentos de continuidade operacional
CVO Carvalho, E Cornacchione, AF Rocha, FT Rocha
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças 28, 132-147, 2017
The neural behavior of investors
P Vieito, RAJ Pownall, FT Rocha, AF Rocha, E Massad
Proceedings of the 2015 American Economic Association Meeting, 2014
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Articles 1–20