Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll
Cited by
Cited by
Quantification of biofilm structures by the novel computer program comstat
A Heydorn, AT Nielsen, M Hentzer, C Sternberg, M Givskov, BK Ersbøll, ...
Microbiology 146 (10), 2395-2407, 2000
Sparse discriminant analysis
L Clemmensen, T Hastie, D Witten, B Ersbøll
Technometrics 53 (4), 406-413, 2011
Statistical Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Development: Impact of Mutations in Genes Involved in Twitching Motility, Cell-to-Cell Signaling, and …
A Heydorn, B Ersbøll, J Kato, M Hentzer, MR Parsek, T Tolker-Nielsen, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (4), 2008-2017, 2002
Experimental reproducibility in flow-chamber biofilms
A Heydorn, BK Ersbøll, M Hentzer, MR Parsek, M Givskov, S Molin
Microbiology 146 (10), 2409-2415, 2000
Spasm: A matlab toolbox for sparse statistical modeling
K Sjöstrand, LH Clemmensen, R Larsen, G Einarsson, B Ersbøll
Journal of Statistical Software 84, 1-37, 2018
A library of 7TM receptor C-terminal tails: interactions with the proposed post-endocytic sorting proteins ERM-binding phosphoprotein 50 (EBP50), N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive …
A Heydorn, BP Søndergaard, B Ersbøll, B Holst, FC Nielsen, CR Haft, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (52), 54291-54303, 2004
Improving drug therapy for patients with asthma-part 1: patient outcomes
H Herborg, B Soendergaard, B Froekjaer, L Fonnesbaek, T Jorgensen, ...
Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (1996) 41 (4), 539-550, 2001
Surface-bounded growth modeling applied to human mandibles
PR Andresen, FL Bookstein, K Couradsen, BK Ersboll, JL Marsh, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 19 (11), 1053-1063, 2000
Using multispectral imaging for spoilage detection of pork meat
BS Dissing, OS Papadopoulou, C Tassou, BK Ersbøll, JM Carstensen, ...
Food and Bioprocess Technology 6, 2268-2279, 2013
Trigeminal nerve injury associated with injection of local anesthetics: needle lesion or neurotoxicity?
S Hillerup, RH Jensen, BK Ersbøll
The Journal of the American Dental Association 142 (5), 531-539, 2011
Quantitative measurement of changes in retinal vessel diameter in ocular fundus images
L Pedersen, M Grunkin, B Ersbøll, K Madsen, M Larsen, N Christoffersen, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 21 (13-14), 1215-1223, 2000
Multispectral imaging for determination of astaxanthin concentration in salmonids
BS Dissing, ME Nielsen, BK Ersbøll, S Frosch
PloS one 6 (5), e19032, 2011
Shape and texture based classification of fish species
R Larsen, H Olafsdottir, BK Ersbøll
Image Analysis: 16th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2009, Oslo, Norway, June …, 2009
A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, dose‐response study of the analgesic effect of lornoxicam after surgical removal of mandibular third molars
SE Nørholt, S Sindet‐Pedersen, C Bugge, PE Branebjerg, BK Ersbøll, ...
The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 35 (6), 606-614, 1995
Novelty detection of foreign objects in food using multi-modal X-ray imaging
H Einarsdóttir, MJ Emerson, LH Clemmensen, K Scherer, K Willer, ...
Food control 67, 39-47, 2016
Biopersistence of synthetic mineral fibers as a predictor of chronic inhalation toxicity in rats
D M. Bernstein, Juan M. Riego Sintes, Bjarne Kjaer Ersboell, Joachim Kunert
Inhalation toxicology 13 (10), 823-849, 2001
Supervised feature selection for linear and non-linear regression of L⁎ a⁎ b⁎ color from multispectral images of meat
S Sharifzadeh, LH Clemmensen, C Borggaard, S Støier, BK Ersbøll
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 27, 211-227, 2014
Virtual dissection of pig carcasses
M Vester-Christensen, SGH Erbou, MF Hansen, EV Olsen, ...
Meat science 81 (4), 699-704, 2009
Biopersistence of synthetic mineral fibers as a predictor of chronic intraperitoneal injection tumor response in rats
D M. Bernstein, Juan M. Riego Sintes, Bjarne Kjaer Ersboell, Joachim Kunert
Inhalation toxicology 13 (10), 851-875, 2001
Building and testing a statistical shape model of the human ear canal
R Paulsen, R Larsen, C Nielsen, S Laugesen, B Ersbøll
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention—MICCAI 2002: 5th …, 2002
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Articles 1–20