John R. Porter
John R. Porter
Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington
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An empirical study of issues and barriers to mainstream video game accessibility
JR Porter, JA Kientz
Proceedings of the 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2013
Fictional robots as a data source in hri research: Exploring the link between science fiction and interactional expectations
S Kriz, TD Ferro, P Damera, JR Porter
RO-MAN, 2010 IEEE, 458-463, 2010
@ BabySteps: design and evaluation of a system for using twitter for tracking children's developmental milestones
H Suh, JR Porter, A Hiniker, JA Kientz
Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing …, 2014
Baby Steps Text: Feasibility Study of an SMS-Based Tool for Tracking Children’s Developmental Progress
H Suh, JR Porter, R Racadio, YC Sung, JA Kientz
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2016, 1997, 2016
Understanding and addressing real-world accessibility issues in mainstream video games
JR Porter
ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, 42-45, 2014
A Place for Fictional Robots in HRI Research?
S Kriz, P Damera, JR Porter III
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Articles 1–6