Alexandre G. de Barros
Cited by
Cited by
Effect of street pattern on the severity of crashes involving vulnerable road users
SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 276-283, 2011
Public transportation and sustainability: A review
P Miller, AG de Barros, L Kattan, SC Wirasinghe
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20 (3), 1076-1083, 2016
A global index for level of service evaluation at airport passenger terminals
AR Correia, SC Wirasinghe, AG de Barros
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (4 …, 2008
Overall level of service measures for airport passenger terminals
AR Correia, SC Wirasinghe, AG de Barros
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (2), 330-346, 2008
Evaluation of level of service for transfer passengers at airports
AG de Barros, AK Somasundaraswaran, SC Wirasinghe
Journal of Air Transport Management 13 (5), 293-298, 2007
Severity of motorcycle crashes in Calgary
SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 44-49, 2012
Analyzing the sustainability performance of public transit
P Miller, AG de Barros, L Kattan, SC Wirasinghe
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 44, 177-198, 2016
Effectiveness of road safety messages on variable message signs
TAY Richard, A De Barros
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 10 …, 2010
Quantifying and validating measures of airport terminal wayfinding
A Churchill, E Dada, AG De Barros, SC Wirasinghe
Journal of Air Transport Management 14 (3), 151-158, 2008
Airport classification criteria based on passenger characteristics and terminal size
V Adikariwattage, AG de Barros, SC Wirasinghe, J Ruwanpura
Journal of Air Transport Management 24, 36-41, 2012
Urban street pattern and pedestrian traffic safety
SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
Journal of urban design 17 (3), 337-352, 2012
Travel behavior changes and responses to advanced traveler information in prolonged and large-scale network disruptions: A case study of west LRT line construction in the city …
L Kattan, AG de Barros, H Saleemi
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 21, 90-102, 2013
Quantitative analysis of passenger and baggage security screening at airports
AG de Barros, DD Tomber
Journal of Advanced Transportation 41 (2), 171-193, 2007
Optimal configuration of airport passenger buildings for travelers
R De Neufville, AG de Barros, SC Belin
Journal of transportation engineering 128 (3), 211-217, 2002
Public perceptions of the use of dynamic message signs
R Tay, AG De Barros
Journal of Advanced Transportation 42 (1), 95-110, 2008
Effects of street pattern, traffic, road infrastructure, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics on public transit ridership
M Pasha, SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20, 1017-1022, 2016
Reinforcement learning agents to tactical air traffic flow management
AMF Crespo, L Weigang, AG de Barros
International Journal of Aviation Management 1 (3), 145-161, 2012
Effect of street pattern on road safety: Are policy recommendations sensitive to aggregations of crashes by severity?
SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
Transportation Research Record 2147 (1), 58-65, 2010
New aircraft characteristics related to airport planning
AG de Barros, SC Wirasinghe
First ATRG Conference, Vancouver, 25-27, 1997
Supervised neural network with multilevel input layers for predicting of air traffic delays
DA Pamplona, L Weigang, AG de Barros, EH Shiguemori, CJP Alves
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-6, 2018
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Articles 1–20