Daniel Krajzewicz
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Cited by
Recent development and applications of SUMO-Simulation of Urban MObility
D Krajzewicz, J Erdmann, M Behrisch, L Bieker
International journal on advances in systems and measurements 5 (3&4), 2012
SUMO–simulation of urban mobility: an overview
M Behrisch, L Bieker, J Erdmann, D Krajzewicz
Proceedings of SIMUL 2011, The Third International Conference on Advances in …, 2011
SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility)-an open-source traffic simulation
D Krajzewicz, G Hertkorn, C Rössel, P Wagner
Proceedings of the 4th middle East Symposium on Simulation and Modelling …, 2002
Traffic simulation with SUMO–simulation of urban mobility
D Krajzewicz
Fundamentals of traffic simulation, 269-293, 2010
The open source traffic simulation package SUMO
D Krajzewicz, M Bonert, P Wagner
RoboCup 2006, 2006
iTETRIS: A modular simulation platform for the large scale evaluation of cooperative ITS applications
M Rondinone, J Maneros, D Krajzewicz, R Bauza, P Cataldi, F Hrizi, ...
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 34, 99-125, 2013
Traffic simulation for all: a real world traffic scenario from the city of Bologna
L Bieker, D Krajzewicz, AP Morra, C Michelacci, F Cartolano
Modeling Mobility with Open Data: 2nd SUMO Conference 2014 Berlin, Germany …, 2015
Second generation of pollutant emission models for SUMO
D Krajzewicz, M Behrisch, P Wagner, R Luz, M Krumnow
Modeling Mobility with Open Data: 2nd SUMO Conference 2014 Berlin, Germany …, 2015
Simulation of modern traffic lights control systems using the open source traffic simulation SUMO
D Krajzewicz, E Brockfeld, J Mikat, J Ringel, C Rössel, W Tuchscheerer, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd industrial simulation conference 2005, 299-302, 2005
Intermodal urban mobility: users, uses, and use cases
L Gebhardt, D Krajzewicz, R Oostendorp, M Goletz, K Greger, M Klötzke, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 1183-1192, 2016
itetris: Adaptation of its technologies for large scale integrated simulation
V Kumar, L Lin, D Krajzewicz, F Hrizi, O Martinez, J Gozalvez, R Bauza
2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2010
An example of microscopic car models validation using the open source traffic simulation SUMO
D Krajzewicz, G Hertkorn, C Rössel, P Wagner
Proceedings of Simulation in Industry, 14th European Simulation Symposium …, 2002
Simulation of urban mobility (SUMO)
D Krajzewicz, C Rossel
Centre for Applied Informatics (ZAIK) and the Institute of Transport …, 2007
International series in operations research and management science
L Bianco, M Caramia, S Giordani, V Piccialli
Springer, 2013
COLOMBO: Investigating the Potential of V2X for Traffic Management Purposes assuming low penetration Rates
D Krajzewicz, M Heinrich, M Milano, P Bellavista, T Stützle, J Härri, ...
Simulation of automated transport offers for the city of Brunswick
R Cyganski, M Heinrichs, A von Schmidt, D Krajzewicz
Procedia computer science 130, 872-879, 2018
Introduction of car sharing into existing car fleets in microscopic travel demand modelling
M Heinrichs, D Krajzewicz, R Cyganski, A von Schmidt
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21, 1055-1065, 2017
Kombination von taktischen und strategischen Einflüssen in einer mikroskopischen Verkehrsflusssimulation
D Krajzewicz
Fahrermodellierung in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, 2. Berliner Fachtagung …, 2009
Disaggregated car fleets in microscopic travel demand modelling
M Heinrichs, D Krajzewicz, R Cyganski, A von Schmidt
Procedia Computer Science 83, 155-162, 2016
SUMO–simulation of urban mobility: an overview
B Michael, B Laura, E Jakob, K Daniel
Proceedings of SIMUL, 20, 2011
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Articles 1–20