Murat M. Sayin, MD
Murat M. Sayin, MD
University of Health Sciences, Etlik Sehir Hastanesi
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Dexmedetomidine as an adjunct to anesthetic induction to attenuate hemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation in patients undergoing fast-track CABG
F Menda, Ö Köner, M Sayin, H Türe, P Imer, B Aykaç
Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 13 (1), 16-21, 2010
Propofol attenuates myocardial lipid peroxidation during coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
MM Sayin, O Özatamer, R Taşöz, K Kilinc, N Ünal
British Journal of Anaesthesia 89 (2), 242-246, 2002
The analgesic effect of gabapentin as a prophylactic anticonvulsant drug on postcraniotomy pain: a prospective randomized study
H Türe, M Sayin, G Karlikaya, CA Bingol, B Aykac, U Türe
Anesthesia & Analgesia 109 (5), 1625-1631, 2009
Effects of single-dose gabapentin on postoperative pain and morphine consumption after cardiac surgery
F Menda, Ö Köner, M Sayın, M Ergenoğlu, S Küçükaksu, B Aykaç
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 24 (5), 808-813, 2010
The effect of play distraction on anxiety before premedication administration: a randomized trial
GB Aydın, S Yüksel, J Ergil, R Polat, FK Akelma, M Ekici, M Sayın, ...
Journal of clinical anesthesia 36, 27-31, 2017
Comparison of intraarticular bupivacaine with the addition of morphine or fentanyl for analgesia after arthroscopic surgery
A Uysalel, Y Keçik, P Kirdemir, M Sayin
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 11 (6), 660-663, 1995
Internal jugular vein diameter in pediatric patients: are the J‐shaped guidewire diameters bigger than internal jugular vein? An evaluation with ultrasound
MM Sayin, A Mercan, O Koner, H Ture, S Celebi, S Sozubir, B Aykac
Pediatric Anesthesia 18 (8), 745-751, 2008
The location of the obturator nerve: a three-dimensional description of the obturator canal
S Kendir, T Akkaya, A Comert, M Sayin, E Tatlisumak, A Elhan, I Tekdemir
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 30, 495-501, 2008
Comparison of the i-gelTM and the Laryngeal Mask Airway ClassicTM in terms of clinical performance
R Polat, GB Aydin, J Ergil, M Sayin, T Kokulu, I Öztürk
Revista brasileira de anestesiologia 65, 343-348, 2015
Spinal Anaesthesia with Hyperbaric Prilocaine in Day‐Case Perianal Surgery: Randomised Controlled Trial
OG Kaban, D Yazicioglu, T Akkaya, MM Sayin, D Seker, H Gumus
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 608372, 2014
Comparison of intraabdominal and trocar site local anaesthetic infiltration on postoperative analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
G Altuntaş, ÖT Akkaya, D Özkan, MM Sayın, Ş Balas, E Özlü
Turkish Journal of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation 44 (6), 306, 2016
Intraarticular tramadol plus pericapsular incisional bupivacaine provides better analgesia than intraarticular plus pericapsular incisional bupivacaine after outpatient …
T Beyzadeoglu, C Yilmaz, H Bekler, A Gokce, MM Sayin
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 15, 564-568, 2007
The axillary sheath and single‐injection axillary block
S Ay, M Akinci, M Sayin, U Bektas, I Tekdemir, A Elhan
Clinical Anatomy: The Official Journal of the American Association of …, 2007
The effects of lumbar plexus block and epidural block on total blood loss and postoperative analgesia in total hip arthroplasty
T Akkaya, G Ütebey, A Alptekin, M Sayın, H Gümüş, Y Ateş
Granisetron ve Granisetron Deksametazon’un Postoperatif antiemetik ve analjezik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması
T Akaya, MM Sayın, M Temizsoylu
Türk Anest Rean Cem Mecmuası 29 (2), 113-27, 2001
Endovenous laser ablation with 980-nm diode laser: early and midterm results
MU Ergenoglu, MM Sayin, DS Kucukaksu
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 29 (10), 691-697, 2011
Simultaneous traumatic rupture of bilateral pulmonary hydatid cysts
B Özpolat, M Sayın, OV Dogan, Y Dogan
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 130 (3), 908-909, 2005
Transforaminal epidural steroid injection and its complications
T Akkaya, M Sayın
Comparison of Siccoral® spray, Stomatovis® gargle, and Strefen® lozenges on postoperative sore throat
GB Aydın, J Ergil, R Polat, M Sayın, FK Akelma
Journal of anesthesia 28, 494-498, 2014
The risk factors of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia and relationship with type of tracheostomy
S Altinsoy, S Catalca, MM Sayin, EE Tutuncu
Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 35, 38-43, 2020
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