Wouter Bos
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Spectral imbalance and the normalized dissipation rate of turbulence
WJT Bos, L Shao, JP Bertoglio
Physics of fluids 19 (4), 2007
Reynolds number effect on the velocity increment skewness in isotropic turbulence
WJT Bos, L Chevillard, JF Scott, R Rubinstein
Physics of Fluids 24 (1), 2012
Turbulence and turbulent pattern formation in a minimal model for active fluids
M James, WJT Bos, M Wilczek
Physical Review Fluids 3 (6), 061101, 2018
Dissipation in unsteady turbulence
WJT Bos, R Rubinstein
Physical Review Fluids 2 (2), 022601, 2017
Dynamics of spectrally truncated inviscid turbulence
WJT Bos, JP Bertoglio
Physics of Fluids 18 (7), 2006
Quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic turbulence at high Reynolds number
B Favier, FS Godeferd, C Cambon, A Delache, WJT Bos
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 681, 434-461, 2011
Time reversibility of Navier–Stokes turbulence and its implication for subgrid scale models
L Fang, WJT Bos, L Shao, JP Bertoglio
Journal of Turbulence, N3, 2012
On the behavior of the velocity-scalar cross correlation spectrum in the inertial range
WJT Bos, H Touil, L Shao, JP Bertoglio
Physics of Fluids 16 (10), 3818-3823, 2004
Small-scale intermittency in anisotropic turbulence
WJT Bos, L Liechtenstein, K Schneider
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (4 …, 2007
Lagrangian statistics and flow topology in forced two-dimensional turbulence
B Kadoch, D del-Castillo-Negrete, WJT Bos, K Schneider
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (3 …, 2011
Reynolds number dependency of the scalar flux spectrum in isotropic turbulence with a uniform scalar gradient
WJT Bos, H Touil, JP Bertoglio
Physics of Fluids 17 (12), 2005
Simulation of confined magnetohydrodynamic flows with Dirichlet boundary conditions using a pseudo-spectral method with volume penalization
JA Morales, M Leroy, WJT Bos, K Schneider
Journal of Computational Physics 274, 64-94, 2014
Generation of atmospheric turbulence with unprecedentedly large Reynolds number in a wind tunnel
L Neuhaus, M Hölling, WJT Bos, J Peinke
Physical review letters 125 (15), 154503, 2020
Zonal flow generation and its feedback on turbulence production in drift wave turbulence
AV Pushkarev, WJT Bos, SV Nazarenko
Physics of Plasmas 20 (4), 2013
Intrinsic rotation of toroidally confined magnetohydrodynamics
JA Morales, WJT Bos, K Schneider, DC Montgomery
Physical review letters 109 (17), 175002, 2012
Inertial range scaling of scalar flux spectra in uniformly sheared turbulence
WJT Bos, JP Bertoglio
Physics of Fluids 19 (2), 2007
Extreme Lagrangian acceleration in confined turbulent flow
B Kadoch, WJT Bos, K Schneider
Physical review letters 100 (18), 184503, 2008
Rapid generation of angular momentum in bounded magnetized plasma
WJT Bos, S Neffaa, K Schneider
Physical review letters 101 (23), 235003, 2008
Small scale response and modeling of periodically forced turbulence
WJT Bos, TT Clark, R Rubinstein
Physics of Fluids 19 (5), 2007
Angular statistics of Lagrangian trajectories in turbulence
WJT Bos, B Kadoch, K Schneider
Physical review letters 114 (21), 214502, 2015
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Articles 1–20