Parameswaran Raman
Parameswaran Raman
Machine Learning Scientist, Amazon AWS AI/ML
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Cited by
Ranking via robust binary classification
H Yun, P Raman, S Vishwanathan
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 2014
Scaling multinomial logistic regression via hybrid parallelism
P Raman, S Srinivasan, S Matsushima, X Zhang, H Yun, ...
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2019
Extreme stochastic variational inference: Distributed inference for large scale mixture models
J Zhang, P Raman, S Ji, HF Yu, SVN Vishwanathan, I Dhillon
The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics …, 2019
Participatory design process for an in-vehicle affect detection and regulation system for various drivers
M Jeon, J Roberts, P Raman, JB Yim, BN Walker
The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on …, 2011
ENGIN (Exploring Next Generation IN-vehicle INterfaces): Drawing a new conceptual framework through iterative participatory processes
M Jeon, J Schuett, JB Yim, P Raman, BN Walker
Adjunct Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User …, 2011
HLAT: High-quality Large Language Model Pre-trained on AWS Trainium
H Fan, H Zhou, G Huang, P Raman, X Fu, G Gupta, D Ram, Y Wang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.10630, 2024
Variance-reduced zeroth-order methods for fine-tuning language models
T Gautam, Y Park, H Zhou, P Raman, W Ha
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.08080, 2024
Optimization on the surface of the (hyper)-sphere
P Raman, J Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.06463, 2019
PINE-guided cache replacement policy for location-dependent data in mobile environment
MM Janef, R Parameswaran, R Nadarajan, M Safar
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on PErvasive Technologies …, 2008
Relevancy Prediction of Micro-blog Questions in an Educational Setting
M Córdova, P Raman, L Si, J Fish
Purdue University (EDM 2014), 2014
Reducing Repetitive Development Tasks in Auditory Menu Displays with the Auditory Menu Library
P Raman, BK Davison, M Jeon, BN Walker
Georgia Institute of Technology (ICAD 2010), 2010
Advanced auditory menus for universal access to electronic devices
M Jeon, B Davison, J Wilson, P Raman, BN Walker
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with …, 2010
Krylov Cubic Regularized Newton: A Subspace Second-Order Method with Dimension-Free Convergence Rate
R Jiang, P Raman, S Sabach, A Mokhtari, M Hong, V Cevher
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 4411-4419, 2024
EMC: Efficient MCMC Negative Sampling for Contrastive Learning with Global Convergence
CY Yau, HT Wai, P Raman, S Sarkar, M Hong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.10575, 2024
MADA: Meta-adaptive optimizers through hyper-gradient descent
K Ozkara, C Karakus, P Raman, M Hong, S Sabach, B Kveton, V Cevher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.08893, 2024
Contractive error feedback for gradient compression
B Li, S Zheng, P Raman, A Shrivastava, GB Giannakis
Preprint, 2022
DS-FACTO: Doubly Separable Factorization Machines
P Raman, SVN Vishwanathan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.13940, 2020
Hybrid-Parallel Parameter Estimation for Frequentist and Bayesian Models
P Raman
University of California, Santa Cruz, 2020
Distributed Machine Learning-Challenges and Approaches
P Raman
K Ozkara, C Karakus, P Raman, M Hong, S Sabach, B Kveton, V Cevher
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Articles 1–20