Wentao Zhou
Cited by
Cited by
Semianalytical Production Simulation of Complex Hydraulic-Fracture Networks
W Zhou, R Banerjee, BD Poe, J Spath, M Thambynayagam
SPE Journal 19 (01), 6-18, 2014
Data driven production forecasting using machine learning
Q Cao, R Banerjee, S Gupta, J Li, W Zhou, B Jeyachandra
SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of unconventional resources …, 2016
Development of a Semi-Analytical Model for Simulation of Gas Production in Shale Gas Reservoirs
W Yu, S Huang, K Wu, K Sepehrnoori, W Zhou
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2014
Obtaining Real-Time Flow Rate, Water Cut, and Reservoir Diagnostics from ESP Gauge Data
L Camilleri, W Zhou
SPE Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition, SPE-145542-MS, 2011
Production forecasting and analysis for unconventional resources
W Zhou, S Gupta, R Banerjee, B Poe, J Spath, M Thambynayagam
IPTC 2013: International Petroleum Technology Conference, cp-350-00547, 2013
Nodal Analysis for Unconventional Reservoirs--Principles and Application
W Zhou, R Banerjee, E Proano
SPE Journal 21 (01), 245-255, 2016
Analytical reservoir simulation and its applications to conventional and unconventional resources
W Zhou, B Samson, S Krishnamurthy, P Tilke, R Banerjee, J Spath, ...
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-164882-MS, 2013
Openness in Reservoir Simulation: Empowering Flexible Field Management
W Zhou, S Ali, S Biniwale
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, D013S104R020, 2020
Hydraulic Fracture Treatment, Optimization, and Production Modeling
D Mata, W Zhou, YZ Ma, V Gonzales
Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources Handbook, 215-242, 2016
An innovative approach to forecasting matrix stimulation treatment results: a case study
D Ahmed, E Haryanto, FH Soendoro, F Baez, N Bolanos, W Zhou
SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control …, 2014
Nodal Analysis for a Transient Production System-Principles and Application
EA Zhou, W., Banerjee, R., and Proano
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, 2014
While-Drilling Productivity Evaluation of Horizontal Wells
RE Okoroafor, SA Haq, W Zhou, JM Denichou
SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, SPE-178416-MS, 2015
High-speed field development planning in the presence of uncertainty and risk through the use of constrained numerical optimization and analytical simulation
PG Tilke, A Bogush, N Bolanos, C Corbett, A Kolupaev, GP Grove, ...
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-164793-MS, 2013
Data driven production forecasting using machine learning. Society of Petroleum Engineers-SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium
Q Cao, R Banerjee, S Gupta, J Li, W Zhou, B Jeyachandra
Automated field development planning for unconventional shale gas and tight oil
P Tilke, W Zhou, Y Wang, S Krishnamurthy, M Bhanushali, B Samson, ...
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2169844-MS, 2015
Methods and computing systems for processing and transforming collected data to improve drilling productivity
RE Okoroafor, W Zhou, SA Haq
US Patent 10,401,808, 2019
An Innovative and Practical Integrated Asset Model: Optimisation from Pore to Process with Automatic Model Update
S Biniwale, S Ali, OH Khan, W Zhou, K Efimova, M Takahashi
International Petroleum Technology Conference, D031S014R002, 2021
Enhanced geosteering with while-drilling productivity evaluation: A methodology to optimize horizontal well productivity
RE Okoroafor, P Ekhaesomhi, G Ipinyemi, F Oyenuga, O Ilesanmi, S Haq, ...
SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, SPE-184368-MS, 2016
Multi-well time-lapse nodal analysis of transient production systems
W Zhou, R Banerjee, E Proano, J Li, Y Wang, P Fang, N Bolanos, ...
US Patent 8,788,252, 2014
High-speed Field Development Planning in the Presence of Uncertainty and Risk Through the use of Constrained Numerical Optimization and Analytical Simulation-(SPE-164793)
P Tilke, A Bogush, N Bolanos, LW Corbett, A Kolupaev, GP Grove, ...
75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, cp-348-00621, 2013
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Articles 1–20