Yosibash Zohar
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Cited by
Failure criteria for brittle elastic materials
Z Yosibash, A Bussiba, I Gilad
International Journal of Fracture 125, 307-333, 2004
Reliable simulations of the human proximal femur by high-order finite element analysis validated by experimental observations
Z Yosibash, N Trabelsi, C Milgrom
Journal of biomechanics 40 (16), 3688-3699, 2007
A failure criterion for brittle elastic materials under mixed-mode loading
Z Yosibash, E Priel, D Leguillon
International journal of fracture 141, 291-312, 2006
A CT-based high-order finite element analysis of the human proximal femur compared to in-vitro experiments
Z Yosibash, R Padan, L Joskowicz, C Milgrom
Crack onset at a V-notch. Influence of the notch tip radius
D Leguillon, Z Yosibash
International journal of fracture 122, 1-21, 2003
The finite cell method for bone simulations: verification and validation
M Ruess, D Tal, N Trabelsi, Z Yosibash, E Rank
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 11, 425-437, 2012
Patient-specific finite element analysis of the human femur—a double-blinded biomechanical validation
N Trabelsi, Z Yosibash, C Wutte, P Augat, S Eberle
Journal of biomechanics 44 (9), 1666-1672, 2011
Validation of subject-specific automated p-FE analysis of the proximal femur
N Trabelsi, Z Yosibash, C Milgrom
Journal of biomechanics 42 (3), 234-241, 2009
Singularities in elliptic boundary value problems and elasticity and their connection with failure initiation
Z Yosibash
Springer, 2012
Numerical analysis of singularities in two‐dimensions part 1: Computation of eigenpairs
Z Yosibash, B Szabó
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 38 (12), 2055-2082, 1995
The finite cell method for linear thermoelasticity
N Zander, S Kollmannsberger, M Ruess, Z Yosibash, E Rank
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 64 (11), 3527-3541, 2012
Predicting the yield of the proximal femur using high-order finite-element analysis with inhomogeneous orthotropic material properties
Z Yosibash, D Tal, N Trabelsi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
Numerical analysis of singularities in two dimensions. Part 2: computation of generalized flux/stress intensity factors
BA Szabó, Z Yosibash
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 39 (3), 409-434, 1996
Pathological fracture risk assessment in patients with femoral metastases using CT-based finite element methods. A retrospective clinical study
A Sternheim, O Giladi, Y Gortzak, M Drexler, M Salai, N Trabelsi, ...
Bone 110, 215-220, 2018
Patient-specific finite-element analyses of the proximal femur with orthotropic material properties validated by experiments
N Trabelsi, Z Yosibash
On volumetric locking‐free behaviour of p‐version finite elements under finite deformations
U Heisserer, S Hartmann, A Düster, Z Yosibash
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 24 (11), 1019-1032, 2008
A quasi-dual function method for extracting edge stress intensity functions
M Costabel, M Dauge, Z Yosibash
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 35 (5), 1177-1202, 2004
Predicting the stiffness and strength of human femurs with real metastatic tumors
Z Yosibash, RP Mayo, G Dahan, N Trabelsi, G Amir, C Milgrom
Bone 69, 180-190, 2014
Failure initiation at a blunt V-notch tip under mixed mode loading
E Priel, Z Yosibash, D Leguillon
International Journal of fracture 149, 143-173, 2008
Plates and shells: asymptotic expansions and hierarchic models
M Dauge, E Faou, Z Yosibash
Encyclopedia of computational mechanics, 2004
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Articles 1–20