Laurent  Callot
Laurent Callot
Principal scientist, AWS AI Labs
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Cited by
Deep learning for time series forecasting: Tutorial and literature survey
K Benidis, SS Rangapuram, V Flunkert, Y Wang, D Maddix, C Turkmen, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (6), 1-36, 2022
Oracle inequalities for high dimensional vector autoregressions
AB Kock, L Callot
Journal of Econometrics 186 (2), 325-344, 2015
High-dimensional multivariate forecasting with low-rank gaussian copula processes
D Salinas, M Bohlke-Schneider, L Callot, R Medico, J Gasthaus
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 6827-6837, 2019
Criteria for classifying forecasting methods
T Januschowski, J Gasthaus, Y Wang, D Salinas, V Flunkert, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 36 (1), 167-177, 2020
Estimation and Forecasting of Large Realized Covariance Matrices and Portfolio Choice
L Callot, AB Kock, M Medeiros
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016
A nodewise regression approach to estimating large portfolios
L Callot, M Caner, AÖ Önder, E Ulaşan
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 39 (2), 520-531, 2021
Unsupervised model selection for time-series anomaly detection
M Goswami, C Challu, L Callot, L Minorics, A Kan
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations., 2023
Oracle efficient estimation and forecasting with the adaptive lasso and the adaptive group lasso in vector autoregressions
LAF Callot, AB Kock
Essays in Nonlinear Time Series Econometrics, 238-268, 2014
Deep generative model with hierarchical latent factors for time series anomaly detection
CI Challu, P Jiang, YN Wu, L Callot
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1643-1654, 2022
Deep learning for forecasting
T Januschowski, J Gasthaus, S Rangapuram, L Callot
Deterministic and stochastic trends in the Lee–Carter mortality model
L Callot, N Haldrup, M Kallestrup-Lamb
Applied Economics Letters 23 (7), 486-493, 2016
The problem of natural funnel asymmetries: a simulation analysis of meta‐analysis in macroeconomics
L Callot, M Paldam
Research Synthesis Methods, 2011
Online false discovery rate control for anomaly detection in time series
Q Rebjock, B Kurt, T Januschowski, L Callot
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 26487-26498, 2021
Sharp Threshold Detection based on Sup-Norm Error Rates in High-dimensional Models
L Callot, M Caner, AB Kock, JA Riquelme
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2015
Automated evaluation of retrieval-augmented language models with task-specific exam generation
G Guinet, B Omidvar-Tehrani, A Deoras, L Callot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.13622, 2024
Online time series anomaly detection with state space gaussian processes
C Bock, FX Aubet, J Gasthaus, A Kan, M Chen, L Callot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06763, 2022
Spliced binned-pareto distribution for robust modeling of heavy-tailed time series
E Ehrlich, L Callot, FX Aubet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10952, 2021
A Simple and Effective Predictive Resource Scaling Heuristic for Large-scale Cloud Applications.
Q Rebjock, V Flunkert, T Januschowski, L Callot, J Castellon
AIDB@ VLDB, 2020
Vector autoregressions with parsimoniously time varying parameters and an application to monetary policy
L Callot, JT Kristensen
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 14-145/III, 2015
Improve black-box sequential anomaly detector relevancy with limited user feedback
L Kong, L Chen, M Chen, P Bhatia, L Callot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.07241, 2020
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Articles 1–20