Kevan Shah
Kevan Shah
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Cited by
In silico labeling: predicting fluorescent labels in unlabeled images
EM Christiansen, SJ Yang, DM Ando, A Javaherian, G Skibinski, S Lipnick, ...
Cell 173 (3), 792-803. e19, 2018
Defining long-term maintenance conditions of human embryonic stem cells with arrayed cellular microenvironment technology
DA Brafman, KD Shah, T Fellner, S Chien, K Willert
Stem cells and development 18 (8), 1141-1154, 2009
Investigating the role of the extracellular environment in modulating hepatic stellate cell biology with arrayed combinatorial microenvironments
DA Brafman, S De Minicis, E Seki, KD Shah, D Teng, D Brenner, K Willert, ...
Integrative Biology 1 (8-9), 513-524, 2009
Genetically encoded cell-death indicators (GEDI) to detect an early irreversible commitment to neurodegeneration
JW Linsley, K Shah, N Castello, M Chan, D Haddad, Z Doric, S Wang, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5284, 2021
Superhuman cell death detection with biomarker-optimized neural networks
JW Linsley, DA Linsley, J Lamstein, G Ryan, K Shah, NA Castello, V Oza, ...
Science advances 7 (50), eabf8142, 2021
A newly defined and xeno-free culture medium supports every-other-day medium replacement in the generation and long-term cultivation of human pluripotent stem cells
B Ahmadian Baghbaderani, X Tian, J Scotty Cadet, K Shah, A Walde, ...
PLoS One 11 (9), e0161229, 2016
Optimization and scaling of patient-derived brain organoids uncovers deep phenotypes of disease
K Shah, R Bedi, A Rogozhnikov, P Ramkumar, Z Tong, B Rash, M Stanton, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.08. 26.251611, 2020
Cell specificity of adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotypes in human cortical organoids
MM Stanton, HN Hariani, J Sorokin, PM Taylor, S Modan, BG Rash, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.04. 13.536491, 2023
Neuroimmune cortical organoids overexpressing C4A exhibit multiple schizophrenia endophenotypes
MM Stanton, S Modan, PM Taylor, HN Hariani, J Sorokin, BG Rash, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.01. 20.524955, 2023
Demuxalot: scaled up genetic demultiplexing for single-cell sequencing
A Rogozhnikov, P Ramkumar, K Shah, R Bedi, S Kato, GS Escola
bioRxiv, 2021.05. 22.443646, 2021
Genetically encoded cell death indicators and methods of use
J Linsley, K Shah, SM Finkbeiner
US Patent App. 17/685,674, 2022
Modulating cellular fate with arrayed cellular microenvironment technology
KD Shah
University of California, San Diego, 2009
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Articles 1–12