Jari K. Hietanen
Jari K. Hietanen
Professor of psychology, Tampere University
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Bodily maps of emotions
L Nummenmaa, E Glerean, R Hari, JK Hietanen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (2), 646-651, 2014
Organization and functions of cells responsive to faces in the temporal cortex
DI Perrett, JK Hietanen, MW Oram, PJ Benson
Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London. Series B …, 1992
Frameworks of analysis for the neural representation of animate objects and actions
DI Perrett, MH Harries, R Bevan, S Thomas, PJ Benson, AJ Mistlin, ...
Journal of experimental Biology 146 (1), 87-113, 1989
Is emotional contagion special? An fMRI study on neural systems for affective and cognitive empathy
L Nummenmaa, J Hirvonen, R Parkkola, JK Hietanen
Neuroimage 43 (3), 571-580, 2008
Depression biases the recognition of emotionally neutral faces
JM Leppänen, M Milders, JS Bell, E Terriere, JK Hietanen
Psychiatry research 128 (2), 123-133, 2004
Positive facial expressions are recognized faster than negative facial expressions, but why?
JM Leppänen, JK Hietanen
Psychological research 69 (1), 22-29, 2004
Viewer-centred and object-centred coding of heads in the macaque temporal cortex
DI Perrett, MW Oram, MH Harries, R Bevan, JK Hietanen, PJ Benson, ...
Experimental brain research 86, 159-173, 1991
Seeing direct and averted gaze activates the approach–avoidance motivational brain systems
JK Hietanen, JM Leppänen, MJ Peltola, K Linna-Aho, HJ Ruuhiala
Neuropsychologia 46 (9), 2423-2430, 2008
Facial and emotional reactions to Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles
V Surakka, JK Hietanen
International journal of psychophysiology 29 (1), 23-33, 1998
Face-selective processing in human extrastriate cortex around 120 ms after stimulus onset revealed by magneto-and electroencephalography
K Linkenkaer-Hansen, JM Palva, M Sams, JK Hietanen, HJ Aronen, ...
Neuroscience letters 253 (3), 147-150, 1998
Skin conductance responses to another person’s gaze in children with autism
A Kylliäinen, JK Hietanen
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 36, 517-525, 2006
Attention to eye contact in the West and East: Autonomic responses and evaluative ratings
H Akechi, A Senju, H Uibo, Y Kikuchi, T Hasegawa, JK Hietanen
PloS one 8 (3), e59312, 2013
Emergence of enhanced attention to fearful faces between 5 and 7 months of age
MJ Peltola, JM Leppänen, S Mäki, JK Hietanen
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 4 (2), 134-142, 2009
Does your gaze direction and head orientation shift my visual attention?
JK Hietanen
Neuroreport 10 (16), 3443-3447, 1999
Does facial expression affect attention orienting by gaze direction cues?
JK Hietanen, JM Leppänen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 29 (6 …, 2003
Maps of subjective feelings
L Nummenmaa, R Hari, JK Hietanen, E Glerean
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (37), 9198-9203, 2018
Emotion recognition and social adjustment in school–aged girls and boys
JM Leppänen, JK Hietanen
Scandinavian journal of psychology 42 (5), 429-435, 2001
Watching Eyes effects: When others meet the self
L Conty, N George, JK Hietanen
Consciousness and cognition 45, 184-197, 2016
Facial electromyographic responses to vocal affect expressions
JK Hietanen, V Surakka, I Linnankoski
Psychophysiology 35 (5), 530-536, 1998
Fearful faces modulate looking duration and attention disengagement in 7‐month‐old infants
MJ Peltola, JM Leppänen, T Palokangas, JK Hietanen
Developmental science 11 (1), 60-68, 2008
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Articles 1–20