Janna Hastings
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Cited by
ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest
K Degtyarenko, P De Matos, M Ennis, J Hastings, M Zbinden, A McNaught, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D344-D350, 2007
ClassyFire: automated chemical classification with a comprehensive, computable taxonomy
Y Djoumbou Feunang, R Eisner, C Knox, L Chepelev, J Hastings, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 8, 1-20, 2016
ChEBI in 2016: Improved services and an expanding collection of metabolites
J Hastings, G Owen, A Dekker, M Ennis, N Kale, V Muthukrishnan, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D1214-D1219, 2016
MetaboLights—an open-access general-purpose repository for metabolomics studies and associated meta-data
K Haug, RM Salek, P Conesa, J Hastings, P De Matos, M Rijnbeek, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D781-D786, 2013
The ChEBI reference database and ontology for biologically relevant chemistry: enhancements for 2013
J Hastings, P De Matos, A Dekker, M Ennis, B Harsha, N Kale, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D456-D463, 2012
Chemical entities of biological interest: an update
P De Matos, R Alcántara, A Dekker, M Ennis, J Hastings, K Haug, I Spiteri, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_1), D249-D254, 2010
Controlled vocabularies and semantics in systems biology
M Courtot, N Juty, C Knüpfer, D Waltemath, A Zhukova, A Dräger, ...
Molecular systems biology 7 (1), 543, 2011
UniChem: a unified chemical structure cross-referencing and identifier tracking system
J Chambers, M Davies, A Gaulton, A Hersey, S Velankar, R Petryszak, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 5 (1), 3, 2013
Identifiers for the 21st century: How to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data
JA McMurry, N Juty, N Blomberg, T Burdett, T Conlin, N Conte, M Courtot, ...
PLoS biology 15 (6), e2001414, 2017
The ChEMBL database as linked open data
EL Willighagen, A Waagmeester, O Spjuth, P Ansell, AJ Williams, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 5, 1-12, 2013
Data standards can boost metabolomics research, and if there is a will, there is a way
P Rocca-Serra, RM Salek, M Arita, E Correa, S Dayalan, ...
Metabolomics 12, 1-13, 2016
The chemical information ontology: provenance and disambiguation for chemical data on the biological semantic web
J Hastings, L Chepelev, E Willighagen, N Adams, C Steinbeck, ...
PloS one 6 (10), e25513, 2011
PubChemRDF: towards the semantic annotation of PubChem compound and substance databases
G Fu, C Batchelor, M Dumontier, J Hastings, E Willighagen, E Bolton
Journal of cheminformatics 7, 1-15, 2015
The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information
N Jeliazkova, C Chomenidis, P Doganis, B Fadeel, R Grafström, B Hardy, ...
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 6 (1), 1609-1634, 2015
Representation of behaviour change interventions and their evaluation: Development of the Upper Level of the Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology
S Michie, R West, AN Finnerty, E Norris, AJ Wright, MM Marques, ...
Wellcome open research 5, 2020
eNanoMapper: harnessing ontologies to enable data integration for nanomaterial risk assessment
J Hastings, N Jeliazkova, G Owen, G Tsiliki, CR Munteanu, C Steinbeck, ...
Journal of biomedical semantics 6, 1-15, 2015
Development of a formal system for representing behaviour-change theories
R West, CA Godinho, LC Bohlen, RN Carey, J Hastings, CE Lefevre, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 3 (5), 526-536, 2019
Delivering Behaviour Change Interventions: Development of a Mode of Delivery Ontology
MM Marques, RN Carey, E Norris, F Evans, AN Finnerty, J Hastings, ...
Wellcome open research 5, 2021
Introducing the Open Energy Ontology: Enhancing data interpretation and interfacing in energy systems analysis
M Booshehri, L Emele, S Flügel, H Förster, J Frey, U Frey, M Glauer, ...
Energy and AI 5, 100074, 2021
Nuclear and cytoplasmic huntingtin inclusions exhibit distinct biochemical composition, interactome and ultrastructural properties
N Riguet, AL Mahul-Mellier, N Maharjan, J Burtscher, M Croisier, G Knott, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6579, 2021
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Articles 1–20