Kyubong Jo
Kyubong Jo
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A single-molecule barcoding system using nanoslits for DNA analysis
K Jo, DM Dhingra, T Odijk, JJ de Pablo, MD Graham, R Runnheim, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (8), 2673-2678, 2007
Nanochannel confinement: DNA stretch approaching full contour length
Y Kim, KS Kim, KL Kounovsky, R Chang, GY Jung, JJ Depablo, K Jo, ...
Lab on a Chip 11 (10), 1721-1729, 2011
Elongation and migration of single DNA molecules in microchannels using oscillatory shear flows
K Jo, YL Chen, JJ de Pablo, DC Schwartz
Lab on a Chip 9 (16), 2348-2355, 2009
Enhanced light absorption of silicon nanotube arrays for organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells
H Jeong, H Song, Y Pak, IK Kwon, K Jo, H Lee, GY Jung
Advanced materials 26 (21), 3445-3450, 2014
DNA molecules in microfluidic oscillatory flow
YL Chen, MD Graham, JJ De Pablo, K Jo, DC Schwartz
Macromolecules 38 (15), 6680-6687, 2005
Method of DNA analysis using micro/nanochannel
DC Schwartz, K Jo, DM Dhingra
US Patent 7,960,105, 2011
Mass spectrometric imaging of peptide release from neuronal cells within microfluidic devices
K Jo, ML Heien, LB Thompson, M Zhong, RG Nuzzo, JV Sweedler
Lab on a Chip 7 (11), 1454-1460, 2007
Molecular propulsion: chemical sensing and chemotaxis of DNA driven by RNA polymerase
H Yu, K Jo, KL Kounovsky, JJ Pablo, DC Schwartz
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (16), 5722-5723, 2009
Presentation of large DNA molecules for analysis as nanoconfined dumbbells
KL Kounovsky-Shafer, JP Hernández-Ortiz, K Jo, T Odijk, JJ De Pablo, ...
Macromolecules 46 (20), 8356-8368, 2013
Single-molecule visualization of ROS-induced DNA damage in large DNA molecules
J Lee, Y Kim, S Lim, K Jo
Analyst 141 (3), 847-852, 2016
Electrostatic confinement and manipulation of DNA molecules for genome analysis
KL Kounovsky-Shafer, JP Hernandez-Ortiz, K Potamousis, G Tsvid, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (51), 13400-13405, 2017
Visualization of UV-induced damage on single DNA molecules
J Lee, HS Park, S Lim, K Jo
Chemical Communications 49 (42), 4740-4742, 2013
DNA binding fluorescent proteins for the direct visualization of large DNA molecules
S Lee, K Jo
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 238a-239a, 2016
Multifunctional Heterogeneous Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites Assembled by DNA‐Binding Peptide Anchors
KI Kim, S Yoon, J Chang, S Lee, HH Cho, SH Jeong, K Jo, JH Lee
Small 16 (5), 1905821, 2020
Genetically encoded FRET sensors using a fluorescent unnatural amino acid as a FRET donor
W Ko, S Kim, S Lee, K Jo, HS Lee
Rsc Advances 6 (82), 78661-78668, 2016
DNA binding peptide directed synthesis of continuous DNA nanowires for analysis of large DNA molecules by scanning electron microscope
KI Kim, S Lee, X Jin, SJ Kim, K Jo, JH Lee
Small 13 (2), 1601926, 2017
Bioorthogonal Metabolic DNA Labelling using Vinyl Thioether‐Modified Thymidine and o‐Quinolinone Quinone Methide
A Gubu, L Li, Y Ning, X Zhang, S Lee, M Feng, Q Li, X Lei, K Jo, X Tang
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (22), 5895-5900, 2018
DNA conformation in nanochannels: Monte Carlo simulation studies using a primitive DNA model
R Chang, K Jo
The Journal of chemical physics 136 (9), 2012
Nanoslit confined DNA at low ionic strengths
J Lee, S Kim, H Jeong, GY Jung, R Chang, YL Chen, K Jo
ACS Macro Letters 3 (9), 926-930, 2014
Fabrication of periodically aligned vertical single-crystalline anatase TiO2 nanotubes with perfect hexagonal open-ends using chemical capping materials
H Song, K Jo, BY Jung, GY Jung
Nano Research 7, 104-109, 2014
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Articles 1–20