Daniel So
Daniel So
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Cited by
Energy efficiency optimization for NOMA with SWIPT
J Tang, J Luo, M Liu, DKC So, E Alsusa, G Chen, KK Wong, JA Chambers
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (3), 452-466, 2019
Resource efficiency: A new paradigm on energy efficiency and spectral efficiency tradeoff
J Tang, DKC So, E Alsusa, KA Hamdi
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (8), 4656-4669, 2014
Multi-objective optimization for UAV-assisted wireless powered IoT networks based on extended DDPG algorithm
Y Yu, J Tang, J Huang, X Zhang, DKC So, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (9), 6361-6374, 2021
Hybrid evolutionary-based sparse channel estimation for IRS-assisted mmWave MIMO systems
Z Chen, J Tang, XY Zhang, DKC So, S Jin, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (3), 1586-1601, 2021
A deep learning-based approach to power minimization in multi-carrier NOMA with SWIPT
J Luo, J Tang, DKC So, G Chen, K Cumanan, JA Chambers
IEEE Access 7, 17450-17460, 2019
Resource Allocation for Energy Efficiency Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks
J Tang, D So, E Alsusa, K Hamdi, A Shojaeifard
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (10), 2104 - 2117, 2015
Energy efficiency optimization with SWIPT in MIMO broadcast channels for Internet of Things
J Tang, DKC So, N Zhao, A Shojaeifard, KK Wong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2605-2619, 2017
Resource allocation in non-orthogonal and hybrid multiple access system with proportional rate constraint
ZQ Al-Abbasi, DKC So
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (10), 6309-6320, 2017
User-pairing based non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system
ZQ Al-Abbasi, DKC So
2016 IEEE 83rd vehicular technology conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2016
Capacity analysis of IRS-based UAV communications with imperfect phase compensation
M Al-Jarrah, E Alsusa, A Al-Dweik, DKC So
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (7), 1479-1483, 2021
Power allocation for sum rate maximization in non-orthogonal multiple access system
ZQ Al-Abbasi, DKC So
2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2015
Reconfigurable-intelligent-surface-assisted B5G/6G wireless communications: Challenges, solution, and future opportunities
Z Chen, G Chen, J Tang, S Zhang, DKC So, OA Dobre, KK Wong, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 61 (1), 16-22, 2022
Hybrid Overlay/Underlay Cognitive Radio Network with MC-CDMA
F Jasbi, DKC So
IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, 2015
The effect of exercise interventions on resting metabolic rate: A systematic review and meta-analysis
K MacKenzie-Shalders, JT Kelly, D So, VG Coffey, NM Byrne
Journal of sports sciences 38 (14), 1635-1649, 2020
Green transmission technologies for balancing the energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency trade-off
Y Wu, Y Chen, J Tang, DKC So, Z Xu, I Chih-Lin, P Ferrand, JM Gorce, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (11), 112-120, 2014
Joint 3D trajectory design and time allocation for UAV-enabled wireless power transfer networks
W Feng, N Zhao, S Ao, J Tang, XY Zhang, Y Fu, DKC So, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (9), 9265-9278, 2020
Joint power allocation and splitting control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA systems
J Tang, Y Yu, M Liu, DKC So, X Zhang, Z Li, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (1), 120-133, 2019
Joint antenna selection and spatial switching for energy efficient MIMO SWIPT system
J Tang, DKC So, A Shojaeifard, KK Wong, J Wen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4754-4769, 2017
Joint 3D trajectory and power optimization for UAV-aided mmWave MIMO-NOMA networks
W Feng, N Zhao, S Ao, J Tang, X Zhang, Y Fu, DKC So, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (4), 2346-2358, 2020
Energy efficiency optimization for CoMP-SWIPT heterogeneous networks
J Tang, A Shojaeifard, DKC So, KK Wong, N Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (12), 6368-6383, 2018
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Articles 1–20