Tsu-Yang Wu (吳祖揚)
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Cited by
Attacks and solutions on a three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol for wireless communications
CM Chen, KH Wang, KH Yeh, B Xiang, TY Wu
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10 (8), 3133-3142, 2019
On the security of a new ultra-lightweight authentication protocol in IoT environment for RFID tags
KH Wang, CM Chen, W Fang, TY Wu
The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 65-70, 2018
A provably secure certificateless public key encryption with keyword search
TY Wu, CM Chen, KH Wang, C Meng, EK Wang
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 42 (1), 20-28, 2019
An efficient user authentication and user anonymity scheme with provably security for IoT-based medical care system
CT Li, TY Wu, CL Chen, CC Lee, CM Chen
Sensors 17 (7), 1482, 2017
Application of quantum genetic optimization of LVQ neural network in smart city traffic network prediction
F Zhang, TY Wu*, Y Wang, R Xiong, G Ding, P Mei, L Liu
IEEE Access 8, 104555-104564, 2020
An authenticated key exchange protocol for multi-server architecture in 5G networks
TY Wu, Z Lee, MS Obaidat, S Kumari, S Kumar, CM Chen
IEEE Access 8, 28096-28108, 2020
A secure authentication scheme for internet of things
KH Wang, CM Chen, W Fang, TY Wu
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 42, 15-26, 2017
An efficient user authentication and key exchange protocol for mobile client–server environment
TY Wu, YM Tseng
Computer Networks 54 (9), 1520-1530, 2010
A pairing-based user authentication scheme for wireless clients with smart cards
YM Tseng, TY Wu, JD Wu
Informatica 19 (2), 285-302, 2008
Human motion recognition based on SVM in VR art media interaction environment
F Zhang, TY Wu*, JS Pan, G Ding, Z Li
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 9 (1), 1-15, 2019
An anonymous mutual authenticated key agreement scheme for wearable sensors in wireless body area networks
CM Chen, B Xiang, TY Wu, KH Wang
Applied Sciences 8 (7), 1074, 2018
An Enhanced Pairing-based Authentication Scheme for Smart Grid Communications
TY Wu, YQ Lee, CM Chen, Y Tian, NA Al-Nabhan
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, …, 2021
Improved Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Fog-Driven IoT Healthcare System
TY Wu, T Wang, YQ Lee, W Zheng, S Kumari, S Kumar
Security and Communication Networks 2021, 6658041, 2021
Fast algorithms for hiding sensitive high-utility itemsets in privacy-preserving utility mining
JCW Lin, TY Wu, P Fournier-Viger, G Lin, J Zhan, M Voznak
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 55, 269-284, 2016
On the Security of a Chaotic Maps-based Three-party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol.
CM Chen, L Xu, TY Wu, CR Li
J. Netw. Intell. 1 (2), 61-66, 2016
Efficient searchable ID-based encryption with a designated server
TY Wu, TT Tsai, YM Tseng
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 69 (7-8), 391-402, 2014
An ID-based mutual authentication and key exchange protocol for low-power mobile devices
TY Wu, YM Tseng
The Computer Journal 53 (7), 1062-1070, 2010
A grid-based swarm intelligence algorithm for privacy-preserving data mining
TY Wu, JCW Lin, Y Zhang, CH Chen
Applied Sciences 9 (4), 774, 2019
Multilayer dense attention model for image caption
EK Wang, X Zhang, F Wang, TY Wu, CM Chen
IEEE Access 7, 66358-66368, 2019
Security analysis and enhancement of a certificateless searchable public key encryption scheme for IIoT environments
TY Wu, CM Chen, KH Wang, JMT Wu
IEEE Access 7, 49232-49239, 2019
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Articles 1–20