Paul Lipkin
Cited by
Cited by
Identification and evaluation of children with autism spectrum disorders
CP Johnson, SM Myers
Pediatrics 120 (5), 1183-1215, 2007
Management of children with autism spectrum disorders
SM Myers, CP Johnson, Council on Children with Disabilities
Pediatrics 120 (5), 1162-1182, 2007
Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital heart disease: evaluation and management: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
BS Marino, PH Lipkin, JW Newburger, G Peacock, M Gerdes, JW Gaynor, ...
Circulation 126 (9), 1143-1172, 2012
Identifying infants and young children with developmental disorders in the medical home: An algorithm for developmental surveillance and screening
Council on Children With Disabilities, ...
Pediatrics 118 (1), 405-420, 2006
Promoting the participation of children with disabilities in sports, recreation, and physical activities
NA Murphy, PS Carbone, Council on Children with Disabilities
Pediatrics 121 (5), 1057-1061, 2008
Promoting optimal development: identifying infants and young children with developmental disorders through developmental surveillance and screening
PH Lipkin, MM Macias, KW Norwood, TJ Brei, LF Davidson, BE Davis, ...
Pediatrics 145 (1), 2020
Characterizing the daily life, needs, and priorities of adults with autism spectrum disorder from Interactive Autism Network data
K Gotham, AR Marvin, JL Taylor, Z Warren, CM Anderson, PA Law, ...
Autism 19 (7), 794-804, 2015
Implementing developmental screening and referrals: lessons learned from a national project
TM King, SD Tandon, MM Macias, JA Healy, PM Duncan, NL Swigonski, ...
Pediatrics 125 (2), 350-360, 2010
Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, and Stroke Council. Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital heart disease: evaluation and management: a scientific statement …
BS Marino, PH Lipkin, JW Newburger, G Peacock, M Gerdes, JW Gaynor, ...
Circulation 126 (9), 1143-72, 2012
Council on Children with Disabilities, Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Promoting optimal development: identifying infants and young children with …
PH Lipkin, MM Macias
Pediatrics 145 (1), e20193449, 2020
The individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA) for children with special educational needs
PH Lipkin, J Okamoto, ...
Pediatrics 136 (6), e1650-e1662, 2015
Evidence-informed milestones for developmental surveillance tools
JM Zubler, LD Wiggins, MM Macias, TM Whitaker, JS Shaw, JK Squires, ...
Pediatrics 149 (3), 2022
Motor delays: early identification and evaluation
GH Noritz, NA Murphy, Neuromotor Screening Expert Panel, NA Murphy, ...
Pediatrics 131 (6), e2016-e2027, 2013
Neurodevelopmental and medical outcomes of persistent pulmonary hypertension in term newborns treated with nitric oxide
PH Lipkin, D Davidson, L Spivak, R Straube, J Rhines, CT Chang
The Journal of pediatrics 140 (3), 306-310, 2002
Anxiety and mood disorder in children with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD
E Gordon-Lipkin, AR Marvin, JK Law, PH Lipkin
Pediatrics 141 (4), 2018
Trends in pediatricians’ developmental screening: 2002–2016
PH Lipkin, MM Macias, B Baer Chen, D Coury, EA Gottschlich, SL Hyman, ...
Pediatrics 145 (4), 2020
Joint statement-learning disabilities, dyslexia, and vision
GT Lueder, JB Ruben, RJ Blocker, DB Granet, DJ Karr, SS Lehman, ...
Pediatrics 124 (2), 837-844, 2009
Tics and dyskinesias associated with stimulant treatment in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
PH Lipkin, IJ Goldstein, AR Adesman
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 148 (8), 859-861, 1994
Learning disabilities, dyslexia, and vision
American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatrics 124 (2), 837, 2009
Developmental disabilities in infancy and childhood
AJ Capute, PJ Accardo
(No Title), 1996
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Articles 1–20