Surabhi Simha
Surabhi Simha
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An overview on principles for energy efficient robot locomotion
N Kashiri, A Abate, SJ Abram, A Albu-Schaffer, PJ Clary, M Daley, S Faraji, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 129, 2018
Taking advantage of external mechanical work to reduce metabolic cost: the mechanics and energetics of split‐belt treadmill walking
N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Donelan, JM Finley
The Journal of physiology 597 (15), 4053-4068, 2019
How humans initiate energy optimization and converge on their optimal gaits
JC Selinger, JD Wong, SN Simha, JM Donelan
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (19), jeb198234, 2019
Using asymmetry to your advantage: learning to acquire and accept external assistance during prolonged split-belt walking
N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Donelan, JM Finley
Journal of Neurophysiology 125 (2), 344-357, 2021
General variability leads to specific adaptation toward optimal movement policies
SJ Abram, KL Poggensee, N Sánchez, SN Simha, JM Finley, SH Collins, ...
Current Biology 32 (10), 2222-2232. e5, 2022
A mechatronic system for studying energy optimization during walking
SN Simha, JD Wong, JC Selinger, JM Donelan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27 (7 …, 2019
Increasing the gradient of energetic cost does not initiate adaptation in human walking
SN Simha, JD Wong, JC Selinger, SJ Abram, JM Donelan
Journal of Neurophysiology 126 (2), 440-450, 2021
Intrafusal cross‐bridge dynamics shape history‐dependent muscle spindle responses to stretch
SN Simha, LH Ting
Experimental Physiology 109 (1), 112-124, 2024
The split-belt rimless wheel
JK Butterfield, SN Simha, JM Donelan, SH Collins
The International Journal of Robotics Research 41 (11-12), 1043-1076, 2022
Attenuation of muscle spindle firing with artificially increased series compliance during stretch of relaxed muscle
EM Abbott, JD Stephens, SN Simha, L Wood, P Nardelli, TC Cope, ...
Experimental Physiology 109 (1), 148-158, 2024
History-dependent muscle resistance to stretch remains high after small, posturally relevant pre-movements
BC Horslen, GN Milburn, KP Blum, SN Simha, KS Campbell, LH Ting
Journal of experimental biology 226 (18), 2023
Principles of energy optimization underlying human walking gait adaptations
S Simha
Simon Fraser University, 2020
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Articles 1–12