Reuben O'Dea
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Cited by
The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience
O Smith, O Cattell, E Farcot, RD O’Dea, KI Hopcraft
Science advances 8 (9), eabj6734, 2022
Next-generation neural mass and field modeling
Á Byrne, RD O’Dea, M Forrester, J Ross, S Coombes
Journal of neurophysiology 123 (2), 726-742, 2020
Continuum modelling of in vitro tissue engineering: a review
RD O’Dea, HM Byrne, SL Waters
Computational modeling in tissue engineering, 229-266, 2012
A multiphase model for tissue construct growth in a perfusion bioreactor
RD O'Dea, SL Waters, HM Byrne
Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA 27 (2), 95-127, 2010
Comparing multilayer brain networks between groups: Introducing graph metrics and recommendations
K Mandke, J Meier, MJ Brookes, RD O'dea, P Van Mieghem, CJ Stam, ...
NeuroImage 166, 371-384, 2018
Structure-function clustering in multiplex brain networks
JJ Crofts, M Forrester, RD O'Dea
Europhysics Letters 116 (1), 18003, 2016
Effective equations governing an active poroelastic medium
J Collis, DL Brown, ME Hubbard, RD O'Dea
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473 (2198), 2017
A two-fluid model for tissue growth within a dynamic flow environment
RD O'DEA, SL Waters, HM Byrne
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 19 (6), 607-634, 2008
The influence of bioreactor geometry and the mechanical environment on engineered tissues
JM Osborne, RD O’Dea, JP Whiteley, HM Byrne, SL Waters
A multiscale analysis of nutrient transport and biological tissue growth in vitro
RD O'Dea, MR Nelson, AJ El Haj, SL Waters, HM Byrne
Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA 32 (3), 345-366, 2015
Spreading dynamics on spatially constrained complex brain networks
R O'Dea, JJ Crofts, M Kaiser
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10 (81), 20130016, 2013
The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain
M Forrester, JJ Crofts, SN Sotiropoulos, S Coombes, RD O’Dea
Network Neuroscience 4 (2), 467-483, 2020
The interplay between tissue growth and scaffold degradation in engineered tissue constructs
RD O’Dea, JM Osborne, AJ El Haj, HM Byrne, SL Waters
Journal of mathematical biology 67 (5), 1199-1225, 2013
Multiscale analysis of pattern formation via intercellular signalling
RD O’Dea, JR King
Mathematical Biosciences 231 (2), 172-185, 2011
A theoretical model of inflammation-and mechanotransduction-driven asthmatic airway remodelling
MR Hill, CJ Philp, CK Billington, AL Tatler, SR Johnson, RD O’Dea, ...
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 17, 1451-1470, 2018
Continuum limits of pattern formation in hexagonal-cell monolayers
RD O’Dea, JR King
Journal of Mathematical Biology 64, 579-610, 2012
An optogenetic method for interrogating YAP1 and TAZ nuclear–cytoplasmic shuttling
AM Dowbaj, RP Jenkins, D Williamson, JM Heddleston, A Ciccarelli, ...
Journal of cell science 134 (13), jcs253484, 2021
Reinforcement learning approaches to hippocampus-dependent flexible spatial navigation
C Tessereau, R O’Dea, S Coombes, T Bast
Brain and Neuroscience Advances 5, 2398212820975634, 2021
A multi-scale analysis of drug transport and response for a multi-phase tumour model
J Collis, ME Hubbard, RD O'DEA
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1-36, 2016
A geometric network model of intrinsic grey-matter connectivity of the human brain
YP Lo, R O’Dea, JJ Crofts, CE Han, M Kaiser
Scientific Reports 5, 15397, 2015
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Articles 1–20