Dimitris Zermas
Dimitris Zermas
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Cited by
Fast segmentation of 3d point clouds: A paradigm on lidar data for autonomous vehicle applications
D Zermas, I Izzat, N Papanikolopoulos
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5067-5073, 2017
3D model processing for high throughput phenotype extraction–the case of corn
D Zermas, V Morellas, D Mulla, N Papanikolopoulos
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 172, 105047, 2020
Covariance based point cloud descriptors for object detection and recognition
D Fehr, WJ Beksi, D Zermas, N Papanikolopoulos
Computer vision and image understanding 142, 80-93, 2016
Automation Solutions for the Evaluation of Plant Health in Corn Fields
D Zermas, D Teng, P Stanitsas, M Bazakos, V Morellas, D Kaiser, D Mulla, ...
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2015
A methodology for the detection of nitrogen deficiency in corn fields using high-resolution RGB imagery
D Zermas, HJ Nelson, P Stanitsas, V Morellas, DJ Mulla, ...
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 18 (4), 1879-1891, 2020
Enhanced camera object detection for automated vehicles
D Zermas, IH Izzat, A Mangalgiri
US Patent 10,366,310, 2019
Estimating the leaf area index of crops through the evaluation of 3D models
D Zermas, V Morellas, D Mulla, N Papanikolopoulos
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017
Rgb-d object classification using covariance descriptors
D Fehr, WJ Beksi, D Zermas, N Papanikolopoulos
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5467-5472, 2014
Extracting phenotypic characteristics of corn crops through the use of reconstructed 3D models
D Zermas, V Morellas, D Mulla, N Papanikolopoulos
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Weed detection and classification in high altitude aerial images for robot-based precision agriculture
K Buddha, HJ Nelson, D Zermas, N Papanikolopoulos
2019 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 280-285, 2019
Automated detection of nitrogen deficiency in crop
N Papanikolopoulos, V Morellas, D Zermas, D Mulla, M Bazakos, ...
US Patent 10,599,926, 2020
Crop models and biometrics
N Papanikolopoulos, V Morellas, D Zermas, D Mulla, M Bazakos
US Patent 11,275,941, 2022
Crop biometrics detection
N Papanikolopoulos, V Morellas, D Zermas, D Mulla, M Bazakos
US Patent 11,188,752, 2021
Control of a leader-follower mobile robotic swarm based on the NXT educational LEGO platform
D Zermas
Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 1381 - 1386, 2011
UAV above ground level determination for precision agriculture
D Zermas
US Patent 11,280,608, 2022
Occlusion alleviation through motion using a mobile robot
D Fehr, WJ Beksi, D Zermas, N Papanikolopoulos
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3179-3184, 2014
Selecting Representative Image Data for Plant Counting Using Self-Supervised Networks in Drone Imagery
E Imhoff, D Zermas, T Nigon
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2023
Identification of Abnormality in Maize Plants from UAV Images Using Deep Learning Approaches
A Huq, D Zermas, G Bebis
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 583-596, 2023
Registration of single channel image sensors
D Zermas
US Patent 11,127,165, 2021
3D Model Image Processing for High Throughput Phenotype Extraction-the Case of Corn.
DJ Mulla, D Zermas, V Morellas, N Papanikolopoulos
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018), 2018
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Articles 1–20