Luc Ector
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Recommendations for the routine sampling of diatoms for water quality assessments in Europe
MG Kelly, A Cazaubon, E Coring, A Dell'Uomo, L Ector, B Goldsmith, ...
Journal of applied Phycology 10, 215-224, 1998
Diatom teratological forms and environmental alterations: a review
E Falasco, F Bona, G Badino, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Hydrobiologia 623, 1-35, 2009
JP Kociolek, K Balasubramanian, S Blanco, M Coste, L Ector, Y Liu, ...
Gomphonema sancti-naumii D. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov (2007)–http://www …, 2018
Determination of the biological diatom index (IBD NF T 90–354): results of an intercomparison exercise
J Prygiel, P Carpentier, S Almeida, M Coste, JC Druart, L Ector, D Guillard, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 14, 27-39, 2002
Distribution, ecology and nuisance effects of the freshwater invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: a literature review
S Blanco, L Ector
Nova Hedwigia 88 (3), 347, 2009
A comparison of national approaches to setting ecological status boundaries in phytobenthos assessment for the European Water Framework Directive: results of an …
M Kelly, C Bennett, M Coste, C Delgado, F Delmas, L Denys, L Ector, ...
Hydrobiologia 621, 169-182, 2009
Impact of acid mine drainage (AMD) on water quality, stream sediments and periphytic diatom communities in the surrounding streams of Aljustrel mining area (Portugal)
AT Luís, P Teixeira, SFP Almeida, L Ector, JX Matos, EA Ferreira da Silva
Water, air, and soil pollution 200, 147-167, 2009
Distance decay of similarity in neotropical diatom communities
CE Wetzel, DC Bicudo, L Ector, EA Lobo, J Soininen, VL Landeiro, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45071, 2012
Epiphytic diatoms as water quality indicators in Spanish shallow lakes
S Blanco, L Ector, E Bécares
Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment, 71-79, 2004
Diatoms as bioindicators in rivers
EA Lobo, CG Heinrich, M Schuch, CE Wetzel, L Ector
River algae, 245-271, 2016
Morphology, typification and critical analysis of some ecologically important small naviculoid species (Bacillariophyta)
CE Wetzel, L Ector, B Van de Vijver, P Compère, DG Mann
Fottea 15 (2), 203-234, 2015
Centric diatoms of large rivers and tributaries in Hungary: morphology and biogeographic distribution
K Kiss, R Klee, L Ector, E Acs
Acta Botanica Croatica 71 (2), 311-363, 2012
Diatomées invasives exotiques ou rares en France: principales observations effectuées au cours des dernières décennies
M Coste, L Ector
Systematics and geography of plants, 373-400, 2000
Morphology and identity of some ecologically important small Nitzschia species
R Trobajo, L Rovira, L Ector, CE Wetzel, M Kelly, DG Mann
Diatom Research 28 (1), 37-59, 2013
Atlas des diatomées des cours d’eau de la région Rhône-Alpes
MY Bey, L Ector
Tome 5, 751-971, 2013
Diatom communities and water quality assessment in Mountain Rivers of the upper Segre basin (La Cerdanya, Oriental Pyrenees)
J Goma, F Rimet, J Cambra, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Hydrobiologia 551, 209-225, 2005
Regional distribution of diatom assemblages in the headwater streams of Luxembourg
F Rimet, L Ector, HM Cauchie, L Hoffmann
Hydrobiologia 520, 105-117, 2004
Morphological abnormalities of diatom silica walls in relation to heavy metal contamination and artificial growth conditions
E Falasco, F Bona, M Ginepro, D Hlúbiková, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Water sa 35 (5), 2009
Typology of diatom communities and the influence of hydro-ecoregions: a study on the French hydrosystem scale
J Tison, YS Park, M Coste, JG Wasson, L Ector, F Rimet, F Delmas
Water research 39 (14), 3177-3188, 2005
Water quality assessment using diatom assemblages and advanced modelling techniques
M Gevrey, F Rimet, YS Park, JL Giraudel, L Ector, S Lek
Freshwater biology 49 (2), 208-220, 2004
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