Waqas Anwar
Waqas Anwar
Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government College University, Lahore
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The optical character recognition of Urdu-like cursive scripts
S Naz, K Hayat, MI Razzak, MW Anwar, SA Madani, SU Khan
Pattern Recognition 47 (3), 1229-1248, 2014
Biomedical named entity recognition based on deep neutral network
L Yao, H Liu, Y Liu, X Li, MW Anwar
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 8 (8), 279-288, 2015
dResU-Net: 3D deep residual U-Net based brain tumor segmentation from multimodal MRI
R Raza, UI Bajwa, Y Mehmood, MW Anwar, MH Jamal
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 79, 103861, 2023
Anomaly recognition from surveillance videos using 3D convolution neural network
R Maqsood, UI Bajwa, G Saleem, RH Raza, MW Anwar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (12), 18693-18716, 2021
A Neuro-Cognitive Approach for Iris Recognition Using Back Propagation
YD Khan, F Ahmad, MW Anwar
World Applied Sciences Journal 16 (5), 678-685, 2012
Development of a disposable electrochemical sensor for detection of cholesterol using differential pulse voltammetry
MAH Nawaz, M Majdinasab, U Latif, M Nasir, G Gokce, MW Anwar, ...
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 159, 398-405, 2018
Efficient scheduling strategy for task graphs in heterogeneous computing environment.
S Ijaz, EU Munir, W Anwar, W Nasir
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 10 (5), 486-492, 2013
A Survey of Automatic Urdu language processing
W Anwar, X Wang, XL Wang
2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 4489-4494, 2006
Decision Tree Based Approaches for Detecting Protein Complex in Protein Protein Interaction Network (PPI) via Link and Sequence Analysis
A Sikandar, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, X Wang, M Sikandar, L Yao, ZL Jiang, ...
IEEE Access 6, 22108-22120, 2018
Challenges in Urdu text tokenization and sentence boundary disambiguation
Z Rehman, W Anwar, UI Bajwa
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural …, 2011
A Light Weight Stemmer for Urdu Language: A Scarce Resourced Language
SA Khan, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, X Wang
24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 69, 2012
A statistical based part of speech tagger for Urdu language
W Anwar, X Wang, L Li, XL Wang
2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 6, 3418-3424, 2007
N-gram and Gazetteer List Based Named Entity Recognition for Urdu: A Scarce Resourced Language
F Jahangir, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, X Wang
24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 95, 2012
IoMT-Based Association Rule Mining for the Prediction of Human Protein Complexes
M Sikarndar, W Anwar, A Almogren, IU Din, N Guizani
IEEE Access 8, 6226-6237, 2020
Arabic script based character segmentation: A review
S Naz, K Hayat, MI Razzak, MW Anwar, H Akbar
Computer and Information Technology (WCCIT), 2013 World Congress on, 1-6, 2013
Morpheme Matching Based Text Tokenization for a Scarce Resourced Language
Z Rehman, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, W Xuan, Z Chaoying
PLOS ONE 8 (8), e68178, 2013
Template Based Affix Stemmer for a Morphologically Rich Language
S Khan, W Anwar, U Bajwa, X Wang
International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) 12 (2), 2015
Urdu Part of Speech Tagging Using Transformation Based Error Driven Learning
F Naz, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, EU Munir
World Applied Sciences Journal 16 (3), 437-448, 2012
Automatic brain tumor segmentation from magnetic resonance images using superpixel-based approach
MJ Iqbal, UI Bajwa, G Gilanie, MA Iftikhar, MW Anwar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (27), 38409-38427, 2022
Challenges in Baseline Detection of Arabic Script Based Languages
S Naz, MI Razzak, K Hayat, MW Anwar, SZ Khan
Intelligent Systems for Science and Information, 181-196, 2014
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Articles 1–20