Carolina López-Santana
Carolina López-Santana
Universidad del Rosario, Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Fundación Salud de los Andes
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Cited by
Mechanisms of genetically-based resistance to malaria
C López, C Saravia, A Gomez, J Hoebeke, MA Patarroyo
Gene 467 (1-2), 1-12, 2010
What is Known about the immune Response induced by Plasmodium vivax Malaria vaccine Candidates?
C López, Y Yepes-Pérez, N Hincapié-Escobar, D Díaz-Arévalo, ...
Frontiers in immunology 8, 126, 2017
Genetic diversity and selection in three Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein 7 (Pvmsp-7) genes in a Colombian population.
PMA Garzón-Ospina D, López C, Forero-Rodríguez J
PLoS One, 2012
3D analysis of the TCR/pMHCII complex formation in monkeys vaccinated with the first peptide inducing sterilizing immunity against human malaria
MA Patarroyo, A Bermúdez, C López, G Yepes, ME Patarroyo
PLoS One 5 (3), 2010
Characterising a microsatellite for DRB typing in Aotus vociferans and Aotus nancymaae (Platyrrhini).
PMA López C, Suárez CF, Cadavid LF, Patarroyo ME
PLoS One 12, 2015
An epidemiological and molecular study regarding the spread of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium in a teaching hospital in Bogotá, Colombia 2016.
PMA Corredor NC, López C, Aguilera PA, Prieto LM, Rodríguez-Leguizamón G ...
BMC Infectious Diseases 19 (1), 258, 2019
The in vitro antigenicity of Plasmodium vivax Rhoptry Neck Protein 2 (PvRON2) B-and T-epitopes selected by HLA-DRB1 binding profile
C López, Y Yepes-Pérez, D Díaz-Arévalo, ME Patarroyo, MA Patarroyo
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 8, 156, 2018
Identification and evaluation of universal epitopes in Plasmodium vivax Duffy binding protein
C Saravia, P Martinez, DS Granados, C Lopez, C Reyes, MA Patarroyo
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 377 (4), 1279-1283, 2008
Plasmodium vivax Pv12 B-cell epitopes and HLA-DRβ1*-dependent T-cell epitopes in vitro antigenicity
Y Yepes-Pérez, C López, CF Suárez, MA Patarroyo
PloS one 13 (9), 2018
Evaluation of the antigenicity of universal epitopes from PvDBPII in individuals exposed to Plasmodium vivax malaria
P Martinez, C Lopez, C Saravia, M Vanegas, MA Patarroyo
Microbes and infection 12 (14-15), 1188-1197, 2010
What is known about the immune response induced by Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine candidates? Front Immunol. 2017; 8: 126
C López, Y Yepes-Pérez, N Hincapié-Escobar, D Díaz-Arévalo, ...
Identification and diversity of killer cell Ig-like receptors in Aotus vociferans, a New World monkey.
PMA Garzón-Ospina D, López C, Cadavid LF, Patarroyo ME
PLoS One 6, 2013
An epidemiological and molecular study regarding the spread of vancomycin-resistant
N Corredor, C López, P Aguilera, L Prieto, G Rodríguez-Leguizamón, ...
Identificación de un marcador genético para la genotipificación del CMH-DRB en Aotus sp
SC López Santana
Posgrado Interfacultades en Microbiología, 0
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Articles 1–14