Jun Wang
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Cited by
Adaptive weighted Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for generation of phase-only hologram with artifacts suppression
Y Wu, J Wang*, C Chen, C Liu, F Jin, N Chen
Optics Express 29 (2), 1412, 2021
A Color Image Encryption Using Dynamic DNA and 4-D Memristive Hyper-Chaos
Z Liu, C Wu, J Wang*, Y Hu
IEEE Access 7, 78367-78378, 2019
Asymmetric encryption of multiple-image based on compressed sensing and phase-truncation in cylindrical diffraction domain
C Wu, Y Wang, Y Chen, J Wang*, QH Wang
Optics Communications 431, 203-209, 2019
Optical image encryption using chaos-based compressed sensing and phase-shifting interference in fractional wavelet domain
Q Liu, Y Wang, J Wang*, QH Wang
Optical Review 25 (1), 46-55, 2018
Asymmetric encryption of Multi-image based on compressed sensing and feature fusion with high quality image reconstruction
XD Chen, Q Liu, J Wang*, QH Wang
Optics and Laser Technology 107, 302-312, 2018
Image encryption using compressive sensing and detour cylindrical diffraction
J Wang, QH Wang*, Y Hu
IEEE Photonics Journal 10 (3), 1-14, 2018
High performance overdrive using improved motion adaptive codec in LCD
J Wang, JW Chong
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (1), 20-26, 2009
Multi-image encryption based on compressed sensing and deep learning in optical gyrator domain
R Ni, F Wang, J Wang*, Y Hu
IEEE Photonics Journal 13 (3), 7800116, 2021
Generation of phase-only Fourier hologram based on double phase method and quantization error analysis
Y Wu, J Wang*, C Chen, CJ Liu, FM Jin, Y Hu
IEEE Photonics Journal 12 (5), 1-13, 2020
Asymmetric color cryptosystem based on compressed sensing and equal modulus decomposition in discrete fractional random transform domain
XD Chen, Y Wang, J Wang*, QH Wang
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121, 143-149, 2019
A hybrid image coding in overdriving for motion blur reduction in LCD
J Wang, K Min, J Chong
Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2007: 6th International Conference, Shanghai …, 2007
Adaptive multi-level block truncation coding for frame memory reduction in LCD overdrive
J Wang, JW Chong
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (2), 1130-1136, 2010
Scalable asymmetric image encryption based on phase-truncation in cylindrical diffraction domain
C Wu, KY Hu, Y Wang, J Wang*, QH Wang
Optics Communications 448, 26-32, 2019
Fast diffraction calculation of cylindrical computer generated hologram based on outside-in propagation model
J Wang, QH Wang*, Y Hu
Optics Communications 403, 296-303, 2017
Spherical self-diffraction for speckle suppression of a spherical phase-only hologram
B Li, J Wang*, C Chen, Y Li, R Yang, N Chen
Optics Express 28 (21), 31373-31385, 2020
Fast hologram generation using intermediate angular-spectrum method for high-quality compact on-axis holographic display
C Chen, K Chang, C Liu, J Wang*, Q Wang
Optics express 27 (20), 29401-29414, 2019
Unified and accurate diffraction calculation between two concentric cylindrical surfaces
J Wang, QH Wang*, Y Hu
J OPT SOC AM A 35 (1), A45-A52, 2018
Occlusion culling for computer-generated cylindrical holograms based on a horizontal optical-path-limit function
Y Li, J Wang*, C Chen, B Li, R Yang, N Chen
Optics Express 28 (12), 18516-18528, 2020
A Novel 3D Vector Decomposition for Color-Image Encryption
Z Zhu, C Wu, J Wang*, K Hu, X Chen
IEEE Photonics Journal 12 (2), 7800614, 2020
Phase-retrieval attack free cryptosystem based on cylindrical asymmetric diffraction and double-random phase encoding
J Wang, X Li, Y Hu, QH Wang*
Optics Communications 410, 468-474, 2018
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