Werner Hemmert
Werner Hemmert
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Munich
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Limiting dynamics of high-frequency electromechanical transduction of outer hair cells
G Frank, W Hemmert, AW Gummer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (8), 4420-4425, 1999
Resonant tectorial membrane motion in the inner ear: its crucial role in frequency tuning.
AW Gummer, W Hemmert, HP Zenner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (16), 8727-8732, 1996
Air damping in laterally oscillating microresonators: a numerical and experimental study
W Ye, X Wang, W Hemmert, D Freeman, J White
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 12 (5), 557-566, 2003
Nanometer resolution of three-dimensional motions using video interference microscopy
W Hemmert, MS Mermelstein, DM Freeman
Technical Digest. IEEE International MEMS 99 Conference. Twelfth IEEE …, 1999
Three-dimensional motion of the organ of Corti
W Hemmert, HP Zenner, AW Gummer
Biophysical journal 78 (5), 2285-2297, 2000
Classification of the excitation location of snore sounds in the upper airway by acoustic multifeature analysis
K Qian, C Janott, V Pandit, Z Zhang, C Heiser, W Hohenhorst, M Herzog, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (8), 1731-1741, 2016
Automatic speech recognition with an adaptation model motivated by auditory processing
M Holmberg, D Gelbart, W Hemmert
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (1), 43-49, 2005
Receptor Potential of Outer Hair Cell Isolated from Base to Apex of the Adult Guinea-Pig Cochlea: Implications for Cochlear Tuning Mechanism
S Preyer
Aud. Neurosci. 2, 145-157, 1996
Monitoring noise susceptibility: sensitivity of otoacoustic emissions and subjective audiometry
PK Plinkert, W Hemmert, W Wagner, K Just, HP Zenner
British journal of audiology 33 (6), 367-382, 1999
Snoring classified: the Munich-Passau snore sound corpus
C Janott, M Schmitt, Y Zhang, K Qian, V Pandit, Z Zhang, C Heiser, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 94, 106-118, 2018
Modeling auditory coding: from sound to spikes
M Rudnicki, O Schoppe, M Isik, F Völk, W Hemmert
Cell and tissue research 361, 159-175, 2015
Laservibrometrie Ein Mittelohr-und Kochleaanalysator zur nicht-invasiven Untersuchung von Mittel-und Innenohrfunktionsstörungen: Ein Mittelohr-und Kochleaanalysator zur nicht …
J Rodriguez Jorge, HP Zenner, W Hemmert, C Burkhardt, AW Gummer
HNO 45, 997-1007, 1997
Dynamic material properties of the tectorial membrane: a summary
DM Freeman, CC Abnet, W Hemmert, BS Tsai, TF Weiss
Hearing research 180 (1-2), 1-10, 2003
A bag-of-audio-words approach for snore sounds' excitation localisation
M Schmitt, C Janott, V Pandit, K Qian, C Heiser, W Hemmert, B Schuller
Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium, 1-5, 2016
Frequency-dependent shear impedance of the tectorial membrane
JW Gu, W Hemmert, DM Freeman, AJ Aranyosi
Biophysical journal 95 (5), 2529-2538, 2008
Dynamics of middle ear prostheses–simulations and measurements
A Eiber, HG Freitag, C Burkhardt, W Hemmert, M Maassen, ...
Audiology and Neurotology 4 (3-4), 178-184, 1999
Electrical Stimulation in the Human Cochlea: A Computational Study Based on High-Resolution Micro-CT Scans
S Bai, F Schäfer, J Eberharter, F Böhnke, W Hemmert
A Conversation With the Brain: Can We Speak Its Language?, 2020
Can machine learning assist locating the excitation of snore sound? A review
K Qian, C Janott, M Schmitt, Z Zhang, C Heiser, W Hemmert, Y Yamamoto, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (4), 1233-1246, 2020
A bag of wavelet features for snore sound classification
K Qian, M Schmitt, C Janott, Z Zhang, C Heiser, W Hohenhorst, M Herzog, ...
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 47, 1000-1011, 2019
Temporal interaction in electrical hearing elucidates auditory nerve dynamics in humans
SA Karg, C Lackner, W Hemmert
Hearing research 299, 10-18, 2013
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Articles 1–20