Debatri Chatterjee
Debatri Chatterjee
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Estimation of cognitive load based on the pupil size dilation
R Gavas, D Chatterjee, A Sinha
2017 IEEE international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC …, 2017
Cognitive load measurement - A methodology to compare low cost commercial EEG devices
R Das, D Chatterjee, D Das, A Sinharay, A Sinha
ICACCI, 1188-1194, 2014
Unsupervised approach for measurement of cognitive load using EEG signals
D Das, D Chatterjee, A Sinha
Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2013 IEEE 13th International …, 2013
Constrained Kalman filter for improving Kinect based measurements
SR Tripathy, K Chakravarty, A Sinha, D Chatterjee, SK Saha
2017 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS), 1-4, 2017
Dynamic assessment of learners' mental state for an improved learning experience
A Sinha, R Gavas, D Chatterjee, R Das, A Sinharay
Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2015 IEEE, 1-9, 2015
Effect of mental workload on breathing pattern and heart rate for a working memory task: A pilot study
D Jaiswal, A Chowdhury, T Banerjee, D Chatterjee
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
Physiological sensing based stress analysis during assessment
A Sinha, P Das, R Gavas, D Chatterjee, SK Saha
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-8, 2016
EEG-based fuzzy cognitive load classification during logical analysis of program segments
D Chatterjee, A Sinharay, A Konar
Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2013
EyeAssist: A communication aid through gaze tracking for patients with neuro-motor disabilities
A Khasnobish, R Gavas, D Chatterjee, V Raj, S Naitam
2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2017
Inactive-state recognition from EEG signals and its application in cognitive load computation
R Gavas, R Das, P Das, D Chatterjee, A Sinha
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Evaluation of different onscreen keyboard layouts using EEG signals
A Sinharay, D Chatterjee, A Sinha
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on …, 2013
Cognitive load and metacognitive confidence extraction from pupillary response
RD Gavas, SR Tripathy, D Chatterjee, A Sinha
Cognitive Systems Research 52, 325-334, 2018
Detection of mental stress using novel spatio-temporal distribution of brain activations
D Chatterjee, R Gavas, SK Saha
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 82, 104526, 2023
Multivariate variational mode decomposition based approach for blink removal from EEG signal
R Gavas, D Jaiswal, D Chatterjee, V Viraraghavan, RK Ramakrishnan
2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2020
Analysis of muscle activation in lower extremity for static balance
K Chakravarty, D Chatterjee, RK Das, SR Tripathy, A Sinha
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
Improvement in Kinect based measurements using anthropometric constraints for rehabilitation
P Das, K Chakravarty, D Chatterjee, A Sinha
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Determining cognitive load of a subject from electroencephalography (eeg) signals
A Sinharay, D Chatterjee, A Pal
US Patent App. 14/627,334, 2016
Improving joint position estimation of Kinect using anthropometric constraint based adaptive Kalman filter for rehabilitation
P Das, K Chakravarty, A Chowdhury, D Chatterjee, A Sinha, A Pal
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 4 (3), 035002, 2018
A Probabilistic Approach for Detection and Analysis of Cognitive Flow.
D Chatterjee, A Sinha, M Sinha, SK Saha
BMA@ UAI, 44-53, 2016
Person and stressor independent generic model for stress detection using gsr
D Jaiswal, D Chatterjee, R Gavas, RK Ramakrishnan, A Pal
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
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Articles 1–20