Zhao Zhao
Zhao Zhao
PhD Candidate in Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Sahad: Subgraph analysis in massive networks using hadoop
Z Zhao, G Wang, AR Butt, M Khan, VSA Kumar, MV Marathe
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
Computer-aided codon-pairs deoptimization of the major envelope GP5 gene attenuates porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
YY Ni, Z Zhao, T Opriessnig, S Subramaniam, L Zhou, D Cao, Q Cao, ...
Virology 450, 132-139, 2014
Highlight summarization in sports video based on replay detection
Z Zhao, S Jiang, Q Huang, G Zhu
2006 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo, 1613-1616, 2006
Subgraph enumeration in large social contact networks using parallel color coding and streaming
Z Zhao, M Khan, VSA Kumar, MV Marathe
2010 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing, 594-603, 2010
CINET: A cyberinfrastructure for network science
SE Abdelhamid, R Alo, SM Arifuzzaman, P Beckman, MH Bhuiyan, ...
E-Science (e-Science), 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on, 1-8, 2012
Surveillance Event Detection.
M Dikmen, H Ning, DJ Lin, L Cao, V Le, SF Tsai, KH Lin, Z Li, J Yang, ...
Highlight summarization in soccer video based on goalmouth detection
Z Zhao, S Jiang, Q Huang, Q Ye
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing, 2006
Generating video sequence from photo image for mobile screens by content analysis
S Jiang, H Liu, Z Zhao, Q Huang, W Gao
Multimedia and Expo, 2007 IEEE International Conference on, 1475-1478, 2007
Finding and counting tree-like subgraphs using MapReduce
Z Zhao, L Chen, M Avram, M Li, G Wang, A Butt, M Khan, M Marathe, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (3), 217-230, 2017
Algorithms for finding motifs in large labeled networks
M Khan, VSA Kumar, MV Marathe, Z Zhao
Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying …, 2013
Subgraph querying in relational networks: a mapreduce approach
Z Zhao
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
Content-based intelligent video recorder with its implementation on sports video
S Jiang, Q Huang, Z Zhao
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Internet Multimedia …, 2011
Equity Importance Modeling With Financial Network and Betweenness Centrality
Z Zhao, G Pei, F Huang, X Liu
Proceedings of 16th international conference on computing in economics and …, 2010
Parallel Color Coding and Graph Partitioning Enabling Subgraph Counting for Massive Graphs
Z Zhao, M Khan, VSA Kumar, MV Marathe
Super Computing, 2010
Contact Networks with Applications to Public
M Khan, VSA Kumar, M Marathe, Z Zhao, T Duta, VS Anil, K Madhav, ...
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Articles 1–15