William von Hippel
William von Hippel
Research with Impact
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JL Hilton, W Von Hippel
Annual review of psychology 47 (1), 237-271, 1996
Undergraduate student-faculty research partnerships affect studen retention
BA Nagda, SR Gregerman, J Jonides, W Von Hippel, JS Lerner
The Review of Higher Education 22 (1), 55-72, 1998
The evolution and psychology of self-deception
W Von Hippel, R Trivers
Behavioral and brain sciences 34 (1), 1-16, 2011
Clinical assessment of social cognitive function in neurological disorders
JD Henry, W Von Hippel, P Molenberghs, T Lee, PS Sachdev
Nature Reviews Neurology 12 (1), 28-39, 2016
The social outcast: Ostracism, social exclusion, rejection, and bullying
KD Williams, JP Forgas, W Von Hippel
Psychology Press, 2013
Interacting with sexist men triggers social identity threat among female engineers.
C Logel, GM Walton, SJ Spencer, EC Iserman, W von Hippel, AE Bell
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (6), 1089, 2009
Mapping cognitive structures and processes through verbal content: the thought-listing technique.
JT Cacioppo, W Von Hippel, JM Ernst
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 65 (6), 928, 1997
The presence of an attractive woman elevates testosterone and physical risk taking in young men
R Ronay, W Hippel
Social Psychological and Personality Science 1 (1), 57-64, 2010
The linguistic intergroup bias as an implicit indicator of prejudice
W Von Hippel, D Sekaquaptewa, P Vargas
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33 (5), 490-509, 1997
Empathy and social functioning in late adulthood
PE Bailey, JD Henry, W Von Hippel
Aging and Mental Health 12 (4), 499-503, 2008
Stereotypic explanatory bias: Implicit stereotyping as a predictor of discrimination
D Sekaquaptewa, P Espinoza, M Thompson, P Vargas, W von Hippel
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (1), 75-82, 2003
On the role of encoding processes in stereotype maintenance
W Von Hippel, D Sekaquaptewa, P Vargas
Advances in experimental social psychology 27, 177-254, 1995
Stereotyping against your will: The role of inhibitory ability in stereotyping and prejudice among the elderly
W Von Hippel, LA Silver, ME Lynch
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (5), 523-532, 2000
Hearts and minds: The priority of affective versus cognitive factors in person perception
K Edwards, W Von Hippel
Personality and social psychology bulletin 21 (10), 996-1011, 1995
“That is bloody revolting!” Inhibitory control of thoughts better left unsaid
W von Hippel, K Gonsalkorale
Psychological Science 16 (7), 497-500, 2005
Perceptions of discriminatory treatment by staff as predictors of drug treatment completion: Utility of a mixed methods approach
L Brener, W Von Hippel, C Von Hippel, I Resnick, C Treloar
Drug and Alcohol Review 29 (5), 491-497, 2010
Darwinian grandparenting: Preferential investment in more certain kin
SM Laham, K Gonsalkorale, W von Hippel
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (1), 63-72, 2005
The role of physician and nurse attitudes in the health care of injecting drug users
L Brener, WV Hippel, S Kippax, KJ Preacher
Substance Use & Misuse 45 (7-8), 1007-1018, 2010
Age, race, and implicit prejudice: Using process dissociation to separate the underlying components
BD Stewart, W Von Hippel, GA Radvansky
Psychological Science 20 (2), 164-168, 2009
Coping with stereotype threat: denial as an impression management strategy.
W Von Hippel, C Von Hippel, L Conway, KJ Preacher, JW Schooler, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 89 (1), 22, 2005
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