Ashraf Matrawy
Cited by
Cited by
Analyzing adversarial attacks against deep learning for intrusion detection in IoT networks
O Ibitoye, O Shafiq, A Matrawy
2019 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Smart wireless sensor network management based on software-defined networking
A De Gante, M Aslan, A Matrawy
2014 27th biennial symposium on communications (QBSC), 71-75, 2014
Routing attacks and mitigation methods for RPL-based Internet of Things
A Raoof, A Matrawy, CH Lung
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (2), 1582-1606, 2019
Optimal slice allocation in 5G core networks
D Sattar, A Matrawy
IEEE Networking Letters 1 (2), 48-51, 2019
Towards secure slicing: Using slice isolation to mitigate DDoS attacks on 5G core network slices
D Sattar, A Matrawy
2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 82-90, 2019
MPEG4 traffic modeling using the transform expand sample methodology
A Matrawy, L Lambadaris, C Huang
Proceedings 2002 IEEE 4th International Workshop on Networked Appliances …, 2002
The Threat of Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning in Network Security--A Survey
O Ibitoye, R Abou-Khamis, M Shehaby, A Matrawy, MO Shafiq
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.02621, 2019
Current Trends and Advances in Information Assurance Metrics.
N Seddigh, P Pieda, A Matrawy, B Nandy, I Lambadaris, A Hatfield
PST 2004, 197-205, 2004
A survey on botnet architectures, detection and defences.
M Mahmoud, M Nir, A Matrawy
Int. J. Netw. Secur. 17 (3), 264-281, 2015
Evaluation of Adversarial Training on Different Types of Neural Networks in Deep Learning-based IDSs
R Abou Khamis, A Matrawy
2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications …, 2020
Bottleneck analysis of traffic monitoring using wireshark
A Dabir, A Matrawy
2007 Innovations in Information Technologies (IIT), 158-162, 2007
A classification of web browser fingerprinting techniques
R Upathilake, Y Li, A Matrawy
2015 7th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security …, 2015
On the impact of network state collection on the performance of SDN applications
M Aslan, A Matrawy
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (1), 5-8, 2015
Investigating Resistance of Deep Learning-based IDS against Adversaries using min-max Optimization
R Abou Khamis, MO Shafiq, A Matrawy
ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2020
An energy optimizing scheduler for mobile cloud computing environments
M Nir, A Matrawy, M St-Hilaire
Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2014 IEEE Conference on …, 2014
Economic and energy considerations for resource augmentation in mobile cloud computing
M Nir, A Matrawy, M St-Hilaire
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 6 (1), 99-113, 2018
A survey of congestion control schemes for multicast video applications
A Matrawy, I Lambadaris
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 5 (2), 22-31, 2009
An early benchmark of quality of experience between HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 using lighthouse
D Saif, CH Lung, A Matrawy
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
Enhancing routing security in IoT: Performance evaluation of RPL’s secure mode under attacks
A Raoof, A Matrawy, CH Lung
IEEE internet of things journal 7 (12), 11536-11546, 2020
Adaptive consistency for distributed SDN controllers
M Aslan, A Matrawy
2016 17th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning …, 2016
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Articles 1–20