Laura Humphrey
Laura Humphrey
Senior Computer Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
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Cited by
Synthesis of human-in-the-loop control protocols for autonomous systems
L Feng, C Wiltsche, L Humphrey, U Topcu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 13 (2), 450-462, 2016
Shield synthesis
B Könighofer, M Alshiekh, R Bloem, L Humphrey, R Könighofer, U Topcu, ...
Formal Methods in System Design 51, 332-361, 2017
Controller synthesis for autonomous systems interacting with human operators
L Feng, C Wiltsche, L Humphrey, U Topcu
Proceedings of the acm/ieee sixth international conference on cyber-physical …, 2015
Automated UAV tasks for search and surveillance
D Kingston, S Rasmussen, L Humphrey
2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 1-8, 2016
A brief introduction to unmanned systems autonomy services (UxAS)
S Rasmussen, D Kingston, L Humphrey
2018 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 257-268, 2018
Trust-based multi-robot symbolic motion planning with a human-in-the-loop
Y Wang, LR Humphrey, Z Liao, H Zheng
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 8 (4), 1-33, 2018
A computational human model for exploring the role of the feet in balance
LR Humphrey, H Hemami
Journal of biomechanics 43 (16), 3199-3206, 2010
The mathematical meaninglessness of the NASA task load index: A level of measurement analysis
ML Bolton, E Biltekoff, L Humphrey
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 53 (3), 590-599, 2023
Formal specification and synthesis of mission plans for unmanned aerial vehicles
LR Humphrey, EM Wolff, U Topcu
2014 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2014
The level of measurement of subjective situation awareness and its dimensions in the situation awareness rating technique (SART)
ML Bolton, E Biltekoff, L Humphrey
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 52 (6), 1147-1154, 2021
Model checking for verification in UAV cooperative control applications
LR Humphrey
Recent Advances in Research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, 69-117, 2013
The level of measurement of trust in automation
J Wei, ML Bolton, L Humphrey
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 22 (3), 274-295, 2020
Model checking UAV mission plans
L Humphrey
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 4723, 2012
Realizing autonomy via intelligent adaptive hybrid control: Adaptable autonomy for achieving UxV RSTA team decision superiority, yearly report
M Draper, A Rowe, S Douglass, G Calhoun, S Spriggs, D Kingston, ...
US Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, OH, 2013
Human-interpretable diagnostic information for robotic planning systems
L Feng, L Humphrey, I Lee, U Topcu
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2016
Simulated responses to support surface disturbances in a humanoid biped model with a vestibular-like apparatus
L Humphrey, H Hemami, K Barin, A Krishnamurthy
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2009
LTL templates for play-calling supervisory control
TB Apker, B Johnson, L Humphrey
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, 0917, 2016
Autonomy community of interest (coi) test and evaluation, verification and validation (tevv) working group: Technology investment strategy 2015-2018
M Clark, J Alley, PJ Deal, JC Depriest, E Hansen, C Heitmeyer, R Nameth, ...
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering TR, 2015
Trust-based human-robot interaction for multi-robot symbolic motion planning
DA Spencer, Y Wang, LR Humphrey
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2016
Synthesis of admissible shields
L Humphrey, B Könighofer, R Könighofer, U Topcu
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 12th International Haifa …, 2016
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Articles 1–20