Joel P. Schneider
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Cited by
Responsive hydrogels from the intramolecular folding and self-assembly of a designed peptide
JP Schneider, DJ Pochan, B Ozbas, K Rajagopal, L Pakstis, J Kretsinger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (50), 15030-15037, 2002
Controlling hydrogelation kinetics by peptide design for three-dimensional encapsulation and injectable delivery of cells
L Haines-Butterick, K Rajagopal, M Branco, D Salick, R Rughani, M Pilarz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (19), 7791-7796, 2007
Self-assembling peptides and proteins for nanotechnological applications
K Rajagopal, JP Schneider
Current opinion in structural biology 14 (4), 480-486, 2004
Self-assembling materials for therapeutic delivery
MC Branco, JP Schneider
Acta biomaterialia 5 (3), 817-831, 2009
Salt-triggered peptide folding and consequent self-assembly into hydrogels with tunable modulus
B Ozbas, J Kretsinger, K Rajagopal, JP Schneider, DJ Pochan
Macromolecules 37 (19), 7331-7337, 2004
Thermally reversible hydrogels via intramolecular folding and consequent self-assembly of a de novo designed peptide
DJ Pochan, JP Schneider, J Kretsinger, B Ozbas, K Rajagopal, L Haines
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (39), 11802-11803, 2003
Encapsulation of curcumin in self-assembling peptide hydrogels as injectable drug delivery vehicles
A Altunbas, SJ Lee, SA Rajasekaran, JP Schneider, DJ Pochan
Biomaterials 32 (25), 5906-5914, 2011
De novo design of antibacterial β-peptides
Y Hamuro, JP Schneider, WF DeGrado
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (51), 12200-12201, 1999
Templates that Induce. Alpha.-helical,. Beta.-sheet, and loop conformations
JP Schneider, JW Kelly
Chemical reviews 95 (6), 2169-2187, 1995
Light-activated hydrogel formation via the triggered folding and self-assembly of a designed peptide
LA Haines, K Rajagopal, B Ozbas, DA Salick, DJ Pochan, JP Schneider
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (48), 17025-17029, 2005
Injectable solid hydrogel: mechanism of shear-thinning and immediate recovery of injectable β-hairpin peptide hydrogels
C Yan, A Altunbas, T Yucel, RP Nagarkar, JP Schneider, DJ Pochan
Soft matter 6 (20), 5143-5156, 2010
Inherent antibacterial activity of a peptide-based β-hairpin hydrogel
DA Salick, JK Kretsinger, DJ Pochan, JP Schneider
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (47), 14793-14799, 2007
Cytocompatibility of self-assembled β-hairpin peptide hydrogel surfaces
JK Kretsinger, LA Haines, B Ozbas, DJ Pochan, JP Schneider
Biomaterials 26 (25), 5177-5186, 2005
Injectable bioadhesive hydrogels with innate antibacterial properties
MC Giano, Z Ibrahim, SH Medina, KA Sarhane, JM Christensen, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4095, 2014
Macromolecular diffusion and release from self-assembled β-hairpin peptide hydrogels
MC Branco, DJ Pochan, NJ Wagner, JP Schneider
Biomaterials 30 (7), 1339-1347, 2009
New water-soluble phosphines as reductants of peptide and protein disulfide bonds: reactivity and membrane permeability
DJ Cline, SE Redding, SG Brohawn, JN Psathas, JP Schneider, C Thorpe
Biochemistry 43 (48), 15195-15203, 2004
The twists and turns of β‐peptides
WF DeGrado, JP Schneider, Y Hamuro
The Journal of peptide research 54 (3), 206-217, 1999
Arginine-rich self-assembling peptides as potent antibacterial gels
AS Veiga, C Sinthuvanich, D Gaspar, HG Franquelim, MARB Castanho, ...
Biomaterials 33 (35), 8907-8916, 2012
Antimicrobial hydrogels for the treatment of infection
A Salomé Veiga, JP Schneider
Peptide Science 100 (6), 637-644, 2013
Laminated morphology of nontwisting β-sheet fibrils constructed via peptide self-assembly
MS Lamm, K Rajagopal, JP Schneider, DJ Pochan
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (47), 16692-16700, 2005
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Articles 1–20