Denis Ssebuggwawo
Denis Ssebuggwawo
Dept. of Computer Science, School of Computing and Information Science, Kyambogo University
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Cited by
Interactions, goals and rules in a collaborative modelling session
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, E Proper
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: Second IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference …, 2009
Group decision making in collaborative modeling: aggregating individual preferences with AHP
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, E Proper
[Sl]:[Sn], 2009
Detecting the Risk of Customer Churn in Telecom Sector: A Comparative Study
E Nabahirwa, W Wenjuan, S Wei, D Ssebuggwawo
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022, 1-16, 2022
Assessing collaborative modeling quality based on modeling artifacts
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, E Proper
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: Third IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference …, 2010
Evaluating modeling sessions using the analytic hierarchy process
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, E Proper
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: Second IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference …, 2009
Spatio-temporal trends and distribution patterns of typhoid disease in Uganda from 2012 to 2017
K Ismail, G Maiga, D Ssebuggwawo, P Nabende, A Mansourian
Geospatial health 15 (2), 2020
Analyzing a Collaborative Modeling Game.
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, EHA Proper
CAiSE Forum, 2009
Factors affecting communication and information sharing for water resource management in Lake Victoria
O Godfrey, S Denis, LP Okidi
Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity 211, 2018
Collaborative modeling: Towards a meta-model for analysis and evaluation
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper
Applying AHP for collaborative modeling evaluation: experiences from a modeling experiment
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) 4 …, 2013
Factors affecting communication and information sharing for water resource management in Lake Victoria Basin (LVB)
O Godfrey, S Denis, LP Okidi
Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity, 211-222, 2019
An Integrated Solution for an Integrated Water Resource Management of Lake Victoria Basin (Lvb)
G Odongtoo, PO Lating, D Ssebuggwawo
Annals of Valahia University of Targoviste. Geographical Series, 2019
Group decision making in collaborative modeling
D Ssebuggwawo, S Hoppenbrouwers, H Proper
Proc. EIS 9, 2009
Analysis and Evaluation of collaborative modeling processes
D Ssebuggwawo
's-Hertogenbosch : BOXPress 1, 276, 2012
Analysis and evaluation of collaborative modeling processes
D Ssebuggwawo
Radboud University Nijmegen, 2012
Evaluating collaborative modeling processes: Towards understanding and supporting collaborative modeling games
D Ssebuggwawo
Aachen: RWTH, 2009
An Assessment of Digital Inclusion among Vulnerable Persons in Developing Economies
F Kanobe, O Ademolu Ajigini, D Ssebuggwawo, B Alexandra Nantogo, ...
Water Resource Management Frameworks in Water-Related Adaptation to Climate Change
G Odongtoo, D Ssebuggwawo, PO Lating
African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation, 1-14, 2021
The mediating effect of effective decision making on the design of water resource management ICT model: The case of the management of Lake Victoria Basin
G Odongtoo, D Ssebuggwawo, P Okidi Lating
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2020
A Mobile Application Tool To Mitigate Communication Challenges In Water Resource Management Of Lake Victoria Basin
G Odongtoo, PO Lating, D Ssebuggwawo
4th International Conference Water resources and wetlands, 2018
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Articles 1–20