Jonathan W. Gillard
Jonathan W. Gillard
Cardiff School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
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An overview of linear structural models in errors in variables regression
J Gillard
REVSTAT-Statistical Journal 8 (1), 57–80-57–80, 2010
Predicting ambulance demand using singular spectrum analysis
JL Vile, JW Gillard, PR Harper, VA Knight
Journal of the Operational Research Society 63 (11), 1556-1565, 2012
Reliability and minimal detectable change of physical performance measures in individuals with pre-manifest and manifest Huntington disease
L Quinn, H Khalil, H Dawes, NE Fritz, D Kegelmeyer, AD Kloos, JW Gillard, ...
Physical therapy 93 (7), 942-956, 2013
Cadzow’s basic algorithm, alternating projections and singular spectrum analysis.
J Gillard
Statistics and Its Interface 3 (3), 335-343, 2010
Method of moments estimation in linear regression with errors in both variables
J Gillard
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 43 (15), 3208-3222, 2014
Time-dependent stochastic methods for managing and scheduling Emergency Medical Services
JL Vile, JW Gillard, PR Harper, VA Knight
Operations Research for health care 8, 42-52, 2016
A wide-ranging computational comparison of high-performance graph colouring algorithms
R Lewis, J Thompson, C Mumford, J Gillard
Computers & Operations Research 39 (9), 1933-1950, 2012
Understanding and improving the care pathway for children with autism
L Hurt, K Langley, K North, A Southern, L Copeland, J Gillard, S Williams
International journal of health care quality assurance 32 (1), 208-223, 2019
Optimization challenges in the structured low rank approximation problem
J Gillard, A Zhigljavsky
Journal of Global Optimization 57, 733-751, 2013
Lipschitz optimization methods for fitting a sum of damped sinusoids to a series of observations
JW Gillard, DE Kvasov
Statistics and its Interface 10 (1), 59-70, 2017
Structured low-rank matrix completion for forecasting in time series analysis
J Gillard, K Usevich
International Journal of Forecasting 34 (4), 582-597, 2018
Using Singular Spectrum Analysis to obtain staffing level requirements in emergency units
J Gillard, V Knight
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (5), 735-746, 2014
A First Course in Statistical Inference
J Gillard
Springer, 2020
Stochastic algorithms for solving structured low-rank matrix approximation problems
JW Gillard, AA Zhigljavsky
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 21 (1-3), 70-88, 2015
An initial analysis and reflection of the metrics used in the Teaching Excellence Framework in the UK
JW Gillard
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 22 (2), 49-57, 2018
Asymptotic variance–covariance matrices for the linear structural model
J Gillard
Statistical Methodology 8 (3), 291-303, 2011
Weighted norms in subspace‐based methods for time series analysis
JW Gillard, AA Zhigljavsky
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 23 (5), 947-967, 2016
Analysis of structured low rank approximation as an optimization problem
J Gillard, A Zhigljavsky
Informatica 22 (4), 489-505, 2011
Methods of fitting straight lines where both variables are subject to measurement error
J Gillard, T Iles
Current Clinical Pharmacology 4 (3), 164-171, 2009
Matching: A python library for solving matching games
H Wilde, V Knight, J Gillard
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (48), 2169, 2020
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Articles 1–20