anand pai
anand pai
Gladstone Institues, UCSF
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Cited by
A hardwired HIV latency program
BS Razooky, A Pai, K Aull, IM Rouzine, LS Weinberger
Cell 160 (5), 990-1001, 2015
A noisy linear map underlies oscillations in cell size and gene expression in bacteria
Y Tanouchi, A Pai, H Park, S Huang, R Stamatov, NE Buchler, L You
Nature 523 (7560), 357-360, 2015
Optimality and robustness in quorum sensing (QS)-mediated regulation of a costly public good enzyme
A Pai, Y Tanouchi, L You
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (48), 19810-19815, 2012
Optimal tuning of bacterial sensing potential
A Pai, L You
Molecular systems biology 5 (1), 286, 2009
Programming stress‐induced altruistic death in engineered bacteria
Y Tanouchi, A Pai, NE Buchler, L You
Molecular systems biology 8 (1), 626, 2012
Programmed Allee effect in bacteria causes a tradeoff between population spread and survival
R Smith, C Tan, JK Srimani, A Pai, KA Riccione, H Song, L You
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (5), 1969-1974, 2014
Engineering multicellular systems by cell–cell communication
A Pai, Y Tanouchi, CH Collins, L You
Current opinion in biotechnology 20 (4), 461-470, 2009
Long-term growth data of Escherichia coli at a single-cell level
Y Tanouchi, A Pai, H Park, S Huang, NE Buchler, L You
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-5, 2017
In situ Microrheological Determination of Neutrophil Stiffening Following Adhesion in a Model Capillary
A Pai, P Sundd, DFJ Tees
Annals of biomedical engineering 36, 596-603, 2008
Fate-regulating circuits in viruses: from discovery to new therapy targets
A Pai, LS Weinberger
Annual review of virology 4 (1), 469-490, 2017
Decoding biological principles using gene circuits
Y Tanouchi, A Pai, L You
Molecular Biosystems 5 (7), 695-703, 2009
Generic metric to quantify quorum sensing activation dynamics
A Pai, JK Srimani, Y Tanouchi, L You
ACS synthetic biology 3 (4), 220-227, 2014
Neutrophil Motion, Adhesion and Activation in an In Vitro Micropipette Model of a Lung Capillary
DFJ Tees, P Sundd, YE Choi, DJ Goetz, A Pai, S Rogers
International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels …, 2010
Programming stress-induced altruistic death in engineered bacteria Supplementary Information
Y Tanouchi, A Pai, NE Buchler, L You
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Articles 1–14