Dirceu Costa
Dirceu Costa
Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação da UNINOVE
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Cited by
Brazilian Flora 2020: innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)
FLR Filardi, F Barros, JFA Baumgratz, CEM Bicudo, TB Cavalcanti, ...
Rodriguésia 69, 1513-1527, 2018
Fisioterapia respiratória básica
D Costa
Fisioterapia respiratoria basica, 127-127, 1999
Oxidation of Orange G by persulfate activated by Fe (II), Fe (III) and zero valent iron (ZVI)
S Rodriguez, L Vasquez, D Costa, A Romero, A Santos
Chemosphere 101, 86-92, 2014
Evaluation of Recombinant Leptospira Antigen-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for the Serodiagnosis of Leptospirosis
B Flannery, D Costa, FP Carvalho, H Guerreiro, J Matsunaga, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 39 (9), 3303-3310, 2001
Efficacy and safety of mianserin in the treatment of depression of women with cancer
D Costa, I Mogos, T Toma
Acta psychiatrica scandinavica 72, 85-92, 1985
Novos valores de referência para pressões respiratórias máximas na população brasileira
D Costa, HA Gonçalves, LP Lima, D Ike, KM Cancelliero, MIL Montebelo
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 36, 306-312, 2010
Aerobic exercise training improves autonomic nervous control in patients with COPD
A Borghi-Silva, R Arena, V Castello, RP Simoes, LEB Martins, AM Catai, ...
Respiratory medicine 103 (10), 1503-1510, 2009
The impact of obesity on pulmonary function in adult women
D Costa, MC Barbalho, GPS Miguel, EMP Forti, JLMC Azevedo
Clinics 63, 719-724, 2008
Effects of preoperative inspiratory muscle training in obese women undergoing open bariatric surgery: respiratory muscle strength, lung volumes, and diaphragmatic excursion
MC Barbalho-Moulim, GPS Miguel, EMP Forti, F do Amaral Campos, ...
Clinics 66 (10), 1721-1727, 2011
Avaliação da força muscular respiratória e amplitudes torácicas e abdominais após a RFR em indivíduos obesos
D Costa, LMM Sampaio, VAP Lorenzzo, M Jamami, AR Damaso
Revista Latino-americana de Enfermagem 11, 156-160, 2003
Respiratory pattern of diaphragmatic breathing and pilates breathing in COPD subjects
KM Cancelliero-Gaiad, D Ike, CBF Pantoni, A Borghi-Silva, D Costa
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 18 (04), 291-299, 2014
Effects of inspiratory muscle training and calisthenics-and-breathing exercises in COPD with and without respiratory muscle weakness
RP Basso-Vanelli, VAP Di Lorenzo, IG Labadessa, EMG Regueiro, ...
Respiratory care 61 (1), 50-60, 2016
L-carnitine as an ergogenic aid for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease submitted to whole-body and respiratory muscle training programs
A Borghi-Silva, V Baldissera, LMM Sampaio, VA Pires-DiLorenzo, ...
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 39, 465-474, 2006
New reference values for maximal respiratory pressures in the Brazilian population
D Costa, HA Gonçalves, LP Lima, D Ike, KM Cancelliero, MIL Montebelo
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 36, 306-312, 2010
Bases fundamentais da espirometria
D Costa, M Jamami
Braz. j. phys. ther.(Impr.), 95-102, 2001
Perfil de fisioterapeutas brasileiros que atuam em unidades de terapia intensiva
E Nozawa, GJV Sarmento, JM Vega, D Costa, JEP Silva, MIZ Feltrim
Fisioterapia e pesquisa 15, 177-182, 2008
The impact of noninvasive ventilation during the physical training in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
A Toledo, A Borghi-Silva, LMM Sampaio, KP Ribeiro, V Baldissera, ...
Clinics 62, 113-120, 2007
Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network
Brazil Flora Group, J Gomes‐da‐Silva, FLR Filardi, MRV Barbosa, ...
Taxon 71 (1), 178-198, 2022
A killed Leishmania vaccine with sand fly saliva extract and saponin adjuvant displays immunogenicity in dogs
RC Giunchetti, R Corrêa-Oliveira, OA Martins-Filho, A Teixeira-Carvalho, ...
Vaccine 26 (5), 623-638, 2008
Efeitos de três programas de fisioterapia respiratória (PFR) em portadores de DPOC
LN Kunikoshita, YP Silva, TLP Silva, D Costa, M Jamami
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 10, 449-455, 2006
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Articles 1–20