Franziska Gassmann
Franziska Gassmann
Professor of Social Protection and Development, Maastricht University
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Cited by
Measuring child poverty and well-being: A literature review
K Roelen, F Gassmann
Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Working Paper Series No, 2008
Child poverty in Vietnam: Providing insights using a country-specific and multidimensional model
K Roelen, F Gassmann, C de Neubourg
Social indicators research 98, 129-145, 2010
Size matters: targeting efficiency and poverty reduction effects of means-tested and universal child benefits in Russia
G Notten, F Gassmann
Journal of European Social Policy 18 (3), 260-274, 2008
The importance of choice and definition for the measurement of child poverty—the case of Vietnam
K Roelen, F Gassmann, C de Neubourg
Child Indicators Research 2 (3), 245-263, 2009
Cash benefits in low-income countries: Simulating the effects on poverty reduction for Senegal and Tanzania
F Gassmann, C Behrendt
International Labour Office Discussion Paper, 2006
False positives or hidden dimensions: what can monetary and multidimensional measurement tell us about child poverty in Vietnam?
K Roelen, F Gassmann, C de Neubourg
International Journal of Social Welfare 21 (4), 393-407, 2012
The impact of migration on children left behind in Moldova
F Gassmann, M Siegel, M Vanore, J Waidler
Unpacking the relationship between parental migration and child well-being: Evidence from Moldova and Georgia
F Gassmann, M Siegel, M Vanore, J Waidler
Child indicators research 11, 423-440, 2018
Who and where are poor in Latvia?
F Gassmann
Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia, United Nations Development …, 2000
Chronic and transitory poverty in the Kyrgyz Republic: What can synthetic panels tell us?
M Bierbaum, F Gassmann
Does it matter where the children are? The wellbeing of elderly people ‘left behind’by migrant children in Moldova
J Waidler, M Vanore, F Gassmann, M Siegel
Ageing & Society 37 (3), 607-632, 2017
The contribution of personality traits and social norms to the gender pay gap: A systematic literature review
C Roethlisberger, F Gassmann, W Groot, B Martorano
Journal of Economic Surveys 37 (2), 377-408, 2023
Estimation of rates of return on social protection: ex ante microsimulation of social transfers in Cambodia
A Mideros, F Gassmann, P Mohnen
Journal of Development Effectiveness 8 (1), 67-86, 2016
Switching off or switching source: energy consumption and household response to higher energy prices in the Kyrgyz Republic
F Gassmann, R Tsukada
Everyday Energy Politics in Central Asia and the Caucasus, 107-125, 2017
Do remittances and social assistance have different impacts on expenditure patterns of recipient households? The Moldovan Case
J Waidler, J Hagen-Zanker, F Gassmann, M Siegel
Migration and Development 6 (3), 355-375, 2017
Migration and the multi-dimensional well-being of elderly persons in Georgia
J Waidler, M Vanore, F Gassmann, M Siegel
Journal of Population Ageing 11, 217-238, 2018
Fostering social mobility. The case of the Bono de Desarrollo Humano in Ecuador
A Mideros, F Gassmann
Journal of Development Effectiveness 13 (4), 385-404, 2021
Child well-being in Kazakhstan
K Roelen, F Gassmann
Institute for Development Studies, 2012
Which communication technology is effective for promoting reproductive health? Television, radio, and mobile phones in sub-Saharan Africa
F Iacoella, F Gassmann, N Tirivayi
PLoS One 17 (8), e0272501, 2022
Improving labor market outcomes for poor and vulnerable groups in Mongolia
F Gassmann, D François, LZ Trindade
World Bank, 2016
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Articles 1–20