Murtazo Nazarov
Cited by
Cited by
Second-order invariant domain preserving approximation of the Euler equations using convex limiting
JL Guermond, M Nazarov, B Popov, I Tomas
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (5), A3211-A3239, 2018
A second-order maximum principle preserving Lagrange finite element technique for nonlinear scalar conservation equations
JL Guermond, M Nazarov, B Popov, Y Yang
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 52 (4), 2163-2182, 2014
Unicorn: Parallel adaptive finite element simulation of turbulent flow and fluid-structure interaction for deforming domains and complex geometry
J Hoffman, J Jansson, RV de Abreu, NC Degirmenci, N Jansson, K Müller, ...
Computers & Fluids, 2012
A maximum-principle preserving C0 finite element method for scalar conservation equations
JL Guermond, M Nazarov
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 272, 198-213, 2014
Residual‐based artificial viscosity for simulation of turbulent compressible flow using adaptive finite element methods
M Nazarov, J Hoffman
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2012
Convergence of a residual based artificial viscosity finite element method
M Nazarov
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2012
Stabilized high-order Galerkin methods based on a parameter-free dynamic SGS model for LES
S Marras, M Nazarov, FX Giraldo
Journal of Computational Physics 301, 77-101, 2015
Unicorn: A unified continuum mechanics solver
J Hoffman, J Jansson, C Degirmenci, N Jansson, M Nazarov
Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method …, 2012
Numerical investigation of a viscous regularization of the Euler equations by entropy viscosity
M Nazarov, A Larcher
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 317, 128-152, 2017
Adaptive simulation of turbulent flow past a full car model
N Jansson, J Hoffman, M Nazarov
State of the Practice Reports, 1-8, 2011
Unicorn: a unified continuum mechanics solver; in automated solution pf differential equations by the finite element method
J Hoffman, J Jansson, NC Degirmenci, N Jansson, M Nazarov
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2012
A residual-based artificial viscosity finite difference method for scalar conservation laws
V Stiernström, L Lundgren, M Nazarov, K Mattsson
Journal of Computational Physics 430, 110100, 2021
Computational Thermodynamics
J Hoffman, C Johnson, M Nazarov
Applied Mathematics Body and Soul 5, 2008
Surface flow for colonial integration in reef-building corals
T Bouderlique, J Petersen, L Faure, D Abed-Navandi, A Bouchnita, ...
Current Biology 32 (12), 2596-2609. e7, 2022
An adaptive finite element method for inviscid compressible flow
M Nazarov, J Hoffman
International Journal for numerical methods in fluids 64 (10‐12), 1102-1128, 2010
A high-order residual-based viscosity finite element method for the ideal MHD equations
TA Dao, M Nazarov
Journal of Scientific Computing 92 (3), 77, 2022
Nonlinear artificial viscosity for spectral element methods
L Lu, M Nazarov, P Fischer
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser 1.,, 2019
Residual viscosity stabilized RBF-FD methods for solving nonlinear conservation laws
I Tominec, M Nazarov
Journal of Scientific Computing 94 (1), 14, 2023
Goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods for elliptic problems revisited
M Bürg, M Nazarov
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 287, 125-147, 2015
Implementation of the entropy viscosity method
JL Guermond, M Nazarov, B Popov
Technical report, 2011
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Articles 1–20