Dr. Sebastian G Klein
Dr. Sebastian G Klein
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Cited by
An improved 3D tetraculture system mimicking the cellular organisation at the alveolar barrier to study the potential toxic effects of particles on the lung
SG Klein, T Serchi, L Hoffmann, B Blömeke, AC Gutleb
Particle and fibre toxicology 10, 1-18, 2013
Potential of coculture in vitro models to study inflammatory and sensitizing effects of particles on the lung
SG Klein, J Hennen, T Serchi, B Blömeke, AC Gutleb
Toxicology in vitro 25 (8), 1516-1534, 2011
Endothelial responses of the alveolar barrier in vitro in a dose-controlled exposure to diesel exhaust particulate matter
SG Klein, S Cambier, J Hennen, S Legay, T Serchi, I Nelissen, A Chary, ...
Particle and fibre toxicology 14 (1), 7, 2017
Respiratory sensitization: toxicological point of view on the available assays
A Chary, J Hennen, SG Klein, T Serchi, AC Gutleb, B Blömeke
Archives of toxicology 92, 803-822, 2018
A coculture model of the lung–blood barrier: The role of activated phagocytic cells
K Luyts, D Napierska, D Dinsdale, SG Klein, T Serchi, PHM Hoet
Toxicology in Vitro 29 (1), 234-241, 2015
P‐gp efflux pump inhibition potential of common environmental contaminants determined in vitro
A Georgantzopoulou, E Skoczyńska, JHJ Van den Berg, W Brand, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 33 (4), 804-813, 2014
In vitro models as physiologically relevant tools to investigate pulmonary and intestinal toxicity
SG Klein, A Georgantzopoulou, T Serchi, S Cambier, CC Leclercq, ...
Toxicology Letters, S191-S192, 2014
A 4D lung multi-culture system mimicking alveolar cellular organization to study the toxic potential of airborne particles
T Serchi, SG Klein, A Jehanno, S Legay, S Contal, J Hennen, AC Gutleb, ...
Toxicology Letters 221, S183, 2013
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Articles 1–8