Computer model validation with functional output MJ Bayarri, JO Berger, J Cafeo, G Garcia-Donato, F Liu, J Palomo, ... The Annals of Statistics, 1874-1906, 2007 | 363 | 2007 |
Criteria for Bayesian model choice with application to variable selection MJ Bayarri, JO Berger, A Forte, G García-Donato | 356 | 2012 |
On sampling strategies in Bayesian variable selection problems with large model spaces G Garcia-Donato, MA Martinez-Beneito Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (501), 340-352, 2013 | 106 | 2013 |
Extending conventional priors for testing general hypotheses in linear models MJ Bayarri, G García-Donato Biometrika 94 (1), 135-152, 2007 | 104 | 2007 |
Calibration of computer models with multivariate output R Paulo, G García-Donato, J Palomo Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (12), 3959-3974, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
Radiocarbono y estadística bayesiana: aportaciones a la cronología de la Edad del Bronce en el extremo oriental del Sudeste de la península Ibérica FJJ Maestre, JAL Padilla, GGD Layrón SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia 46, 41-69, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
A Bayesian joinpoint regression model with an unknown number of break-points MA Martinez-Beneito, G García-Donato, D Salmerón | 62 | 2011 |
Methods and tools for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in normal linear regression A Forte, G Garcia‐Donato, M Steel International Statistical Review 86 (2), 237-258, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Comparison of statistical and deterministic frameworks of uncertainty quantification M Frenklach, A Packard, G Garcia-Donato, R Paulo, J Sacks SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 4 (1), 875-901, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Variable selection in the analysis of energy consumption–growth nexus M Camarero, A Forte, G Garcia-Donato, Y Mendoza, J Ordoñez Energy Economics 52, 207-216, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Generalization of Jeffreys divergence-based priors for Bayesian hypothesis testing MJ Bayarri, G García-Donato Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |
A Bayesian sequential look at u-control charts MJ Bayarri, G García-Donato Technometrics 47 (2), 142-151, 2005 | 44 | 2005 |
Calibrating Bayes factor under prior predictive distributions G García-Donato, MH Chen Statistica Sinica, 359-380, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
Bayesian Testing, Variable Selection and Model Averaging in Linear Models using R with BayesVarSel. G Garcia-Donato, A Forte R J. 10 (1), 155, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Objective priors for hypothesis testing in one‐way random effects models G García‐Donato, D Sun Canadian Journal of Statistics 35 (2), 303-320, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Risk quantification in turmoil markets A Diaz, G Garcia-Donato, A Mora-Valencia Risk Management 19, 202-224, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
SAVE: an R package for the Statistical Analysis of Computer Models J Palomo, R Paulo, G García-Donato Journal of Statistical Software 64, 1-23, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
BayesVarSel: Bayes factors, model choice and variable selection in linear models G Garcia-Donato, A Forte R package version 1 (1), 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Bayesian methods in cost–effectiveness studies: objectivity, computation and other relevant aspects C Armero, G García‐Donato, A López‐Quílez Health economics 19 (6), 629-643, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Bayesian analysis of contaminated quarter plane moving average models RO Vallejos, G Garcia-Donato Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 76 (2), 131-147, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |