Andres Liberman
Andres Liberman
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Cited by
Screening on Loan Terms: Evidence from Maturity Choice in Consumer Credit
A Hertzberg, A Liberman, D Paravisini
Review of Financial Studies 31 (6), 3532-3567, 2018
Measuring Bias in Consumer Lending
W Dobbie, A Liberman, D Paravisini, V Pathania
The Labor Market Effects of Credit Market Information
M Bos, E Breza, A Liberman
Review of Financial Studies 31 (6), 2005-2037, 2018
Financial contracting and organizational form: Evidence from the regulation of trade credit
E Breza, A Liberman
Journal of Finance 72 (1), 2017
Tuition, Debt, and Human Capital
R Chakrabarti, V Fos, A Liberman, C Yannelis
Available at SSRN 2901631, 2017
The value of a good credit reputation: Evidence from credit card renegotiations
A Liberman
Journal of Financial Economics 120 (3), 644-660, 2016
The Equilibrium Effects of Information Deletions: Evidence from Consumer Credit Markets
A Liberman, C Neilson, L Opazo, S Zimmerman
High-Cost Debt and Perceived Creditworthiness: Evidence from the U.K.
A Liberman, D Paravisini, V Pathania
The effects of information on credit market competition: Evidence from credit cards
CF Foley, A Hurtado, A Liberman, A Sepulveda
Available at SSRN 3550904, 2020
Adverse selection and maturity choice in consumer credit markets: Evidence from an online lender
A Hertzberg, A Liberman, D Paravisini
Working Paper, 2015
Are We Overdiagnosing Mental Illnesses?: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Doctors
M Bos, A Hertzberg, A Liberman
Swedish House of Finance, 2021
The Effects of Diagnosing a Young Adult with a Mental Illness: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Doctors
M Bos, A Hertzberg, A Liberman
Available at SSRN 4573307, 2023
Perspectiva económica de Finlandia
P Meller, A Liberman, D Rappoport
Caminos al desarrollo: Lecciones de países afínes exitosos, 2009
Are We Overdiagnosing Mental Illnesses?: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Doctors
A Hertzberg, M Bos, A Liberman
Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 2021
Essays in Empirical Corporate Finance
A Liberman
Columbia University, 2013
Equilibrium Effects of Asymmetric Information on Consumer Credit Markets
A Liberman, CA Neilson, L Opazo, S Zimmerman
Princeton University. Economics Department. Working Papers, 2019
Discussion of: Measuring Bias in Consumer Lending
W Dobbie, A Liberman, D Paravisini, V Pathania, B Argyle
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Articles 1–17