Yijiang Liu
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Cited by
Oxygen and nitrogen co-doped porous carbon nanosheets derived from Perilla frutescens for high volumetric performance supercapacitors
B Liu, Y Liu, H Chen, M Yang, H Li
Journal of power sources 341, 309-317, 2017
Doping and ion substitution in colloidal metal halide perovskite nanocrystals
CH Lu, GV Biesold-McGee, Y Liu, Z Kang, Z Lin
Chemical Society Reviews 49 (14), 4953-5007, 2020
Bottlebrush polymers: From controlled synthesis, self-assembly, properties to applications
Z Li, M Tang, S Liang, M Zhang, GM Biesold, Y He, SM Hao, W Choi, ...
Progress in Polymer Science 116, 101387, 2021
Graphene-like porous carbon nanosheets derived from salvia splendens for high-rate performance supercapacitors
B Liu, M Yang, H Chen, Y Liu, D Yang, H Li
Journal of Power Sources 397, 1-10, 2018
Promising porous carbons derived from lotus seedpods with outstanding supercapacitance performance
B Liu, X Zhou, H Chen, Y Liu, H Li
Electrochimica Acta 208, 55-63, 2016
A ZIF-triggered rapid polymerization of dopamine renders Co/N-codoped cage-in-cage porous carbon for highly efficient oxygen reduction and evolution
T Wang, Y He, Y Liu, F Guo, X Li, H Chen, H Li, Z Lin
Nano Energy 79, 105487, 2021
Efficient triphenylamine dyes for solar cells: effects of alkyl-substituents and π-conjugated thiophene unit
P Shen, Y Liu, X Huang, B Zhao, N Xiang, J Fei, L Liu, X Wang, H Huang, ...
Dyes and Pigments 83 (2), 187-197, 2009
Metal-coordinated porous polydopamine nanospheres derived Fe3N-FeCo encapsulated N-doped carbon as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction …
F Guo, M Zhang, S Yi, X Li, R Xin, M Yang, B Liu, H Chen, H Li, Y Liu
Nano Research Energy 1 (3), 2022
Rechargeable Zn–air batteries with outstanding cycling stability enabled by ultrafine FeNi nanoparticles-encapsulated N-doped carbon nanosheets as a bifunctional electrocatalyst
X Li, Y Liu, H Chen, M Yang, D Yang, H Li, Z Lin
Nano Letters 21 (7), 3098-3105, 2021
Dual-shelled multidoped hollow carbon nanocages with hierarchical porosity for high-performance oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media
T Wang, C Yang, Y Liu, M Yang, X Li, Y He, H Li, H Chen, Z Lin
Nano letters 20 (8), 5639-5645, 2020
Oxygen and nitrogen co-doped porous carbons with finely-layered schistose structure for high-rate-performance supercapacitors
C Tang, Y Liu, D Yang, M Yang, H Li
Carbon 122, 538-546, 2017
Thiophene-linked porphyrin derivatives for dye-sensitized solar cells
Y Liu, N Xiang, X Feng, P Shen, W Zhou, C Weng, B Zhao, S Tan
Chemical communications, 2499-2501, 2009
MnO2 Nanostructures Deposited on Graphene-Like Porous Carbon Nanosheets for High-Rate Performance and High-Energy Density Asymmetric Supercapacitors
B Liu, Y Liu, H Chen, M Yang, H Li
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (3), 3101-3110, 2019
Polar organic solvent-tolerant perovskite nanocrystals permanently ligated with polymer hairs via star-like molecular bottlebrush trilobe nanoreactors
Y Liu, Z Wang, S Liang, Z Li, M Zhang, H Li, Z Lin
Nano Letters 19 (12), 9019-9028, 2019
Polymer-ligated nanocrystals enabled by nonlinear block copolymer nanoreactors: Synthesis, properties, and applications
Y Liu, J Wang, M Zhang, H Li, Z Lin
ACS nano 14 (10), 12491-12521, 2020
Synthesis and characterization of porphyrin-terthiophene and oligothiophene π-conjugated copolymers for polymer solar cells
N Xiang, Y Liu, W Zhou, H Huang, X Guo, Z Tan, B Zhao, P Shen, S Tan
European Polymer Journal 46 (5), 1084-1092, 2010
Flexible responsive Janus nanosheets
Y Liu, F Liang, Q Wang, X Qu, Z Yang
Chemical Communications 51 (17), 3562-3565, 2015
Preparation of Janus-type catalysts and their catalytic performance at emulsion interface
Y Liu, J Hu, X Yu, X Xu, Y Gao, H Li, F Liang
Journal of colloid and interface science 490, 357-364, 2017
Recent advances in scalable synthesis and performance of Janus polymer/inorganic nanocomposites
Y Liu, J Wang, Y Shao, R Deng, J Zhu, Z Yang
Progress in Materials Science 124, 100888, 2022
Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of polythiophene stars with porphyrin core
Y Liu, X Guo, N Xiang, B Zhao, H Huang, H Li, P Shen, S Tan
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (6), 1140-1146, 2010
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