Maher Moakher
Maher Moakher
Professor of Applied Mathematics, National Engineering School at Tunis
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Cited by
A differential geometric approach to the geometric mean of symmetric positive-definite matrices
M Moakher
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 26 (3), 735-747, 2005
Conformational analysis of nucleic acids revisited: Curves+
R Lavery, M Moakher, JH Maddocks, D Petkeviciute, K Zakrzewska
Nucleic acids research 37 (17), 5917-5929, 2009
Means and averaging in the group of rotations
M Moakher
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 24 (1), 1-16, 2002
Experimentally validated computations of flow, mixing and segregation of non-cohesive grains in 3D tumbling blenders
M Moakher, T Shinbrot, FJ Muzzio
Powder technology 109 (1-3), 58-71, 2000
The closest elastic tensor of arbitrary symmetry to an elasticity tensor of lower symmetry
M Moakher, AN Norris
Journal of Elasticity 85, 215-263, 2006
A rigorous framework for diffusion tensor calculus
PG Batchelor, M Moakher, D Atkinson, F Calamante, A Connelly
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2005
On the averaging of symmetric positive-definite tensors
M Moakher
Journal of Elasticity 82, 273-296, 2006
Symmetric positive-definite matrices: From geometry to applications and visualization
M Moakher, PG Batchelor
Visualization and processing of tensor fields, 285-298, 2006
The Riemannian geometry of the space of positive-definite matrices and its application to the regularization of positive-definite matrix-valued data
M Moakher, M Zéraï
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 40 (2), 171-187, 2011
Means of Hermitian positive-definite matrices based on the log-determinant α-divergence function
Z Chebbi, M Moakher
Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (7), 1872-1889, 2012
On the parameterization of rigid base and basepair models of DNA from molecular dynamics simulations
F Lankaš, O Gonzalez, LM Heffler, G Stoll, M Moakher, JH Maddocks
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (45), 10565-10588, 2009
Fourth-order cartesian tensors: old and new facts, notions and applications
M Moakher
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics 61 (2), 181-203, 2008
Simulation of flow and mixing of particles in a rotating and rocking cylinder
C Wightman, M Moakher, FJ Muzzio, O Walton
AIChE journal 44 (6), 1266-1276, 1998
Space–time finite element methods for surface diffusion with applications to the theory of the stability of cylinders
BD Coleman, RS Falk, M Moakher
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 17 (6), 1434-1448, 1996
A measure of bending in nucleic acids structures applied to A-tract DNA
F Lankas, N Spackova, M Moakher, P Enkhbayar, J Sponer
Nucleic acids research 38 (10), 3414-3422, 2010
Stability of cylindrical bodies in the theory of surface diffusion
BD Coleman, RS Falk, M Moakher
Physica D 89, 123-135, 1995
A double-strand elastic rod theory
M Moakher, JH Maddocks
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 177, 53-91, 2005
Modeling and numerical treatment of elastic rods with frictionless self-contact
M Chamekh, S Mani-Aouadi, M Moakher
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (47-48), 3751-3764, 2009
A stabilized Lagrange multiplier method for the enriched finite-element approximation of contact problems of cracked elastic bodies
S Amdouni, P Hild, V Lleras, M Moakher, Y Renard
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46 (4), 813-839, 2012
Approximate joint diagonalization and geometric mean of symmetric positive definite matrices
M Congedo, B Afsari, A Barachant, M Moakher
PloS one 10 (4), e0121423, 2015
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Articles 1–20