Mark Aveyard
Mark Aveyard
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Cited by
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Perception of motion affects language processing
MP Kaschak, CJ Madden, DJ Therriault, RH Yaxley, M Aveyard, ...
Cognition 94 (3), B79-B89, 2005
Moving words: Dynamic representations in language comprehension
RA Zwaan, CJ Madden, RH Yaxley, ME Aveyard
Cognitive Science 28 (4), 611-619, 2004
Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists
WM Gervais, D Xygalatas, RT McKay, M Van Elk, EE Buchtel, M Aveyard, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (8), 0151, 2017
Perception of auditory motion affects language processing
MP Kaschak, RA Zwaan, M Aveyard, RH Yaxley
Cognitive science 30 (4), 733-744, 2006
Analytic atheism: A cross-culturally weak and fickle phenomenon?
WM Gervais, M van Elk, D Xygalatas, RT McKay, M Aveyard, EE Buchtel, ...
Judgment and Decision making 13 (3), 268-274, 2018
Registered replication report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)
M O’donnell, LD Nelson, E Ackermann, B Aczel, A Akhtar, S Aldrovandi, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 13 (2), 268-294, 2018
A call to honesty: Extending religious priming of moral behavior to Middle Eastern Muslims
ME Aveyard
PloS One 9 (7), e99447, 2014
Some consonants sound curvy: Effects of sound symbolism on object recognition
ME Aveyard
Memory & cognition 40, 83-92, 2012
Cultural universals and cultural differences in meta-norms about peer punishment
K Eriksson, P Strimling, PA Andersson, M Aveyard, M Brauer, V Gritskov, ...
Management and Organization Review 13 (4), 851-870, 2017
Cross-cultural consistency and relativity in the enjoyment of thinking versus doing.
N Buttrick, H Choi, TD Wilson, S Oishi, SM Boker, DT Gilbert, S Alper, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 117 (5), e71, 2019
Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists. Nature Human Behaviour, 1 (8), Article 0151
WM Gervais, D Xygalatas, RT McKay, M Van Elk, EE Buchtel, M Aveyard, ...
Comparisons of daily behavior across 21 countries
EN Baranski, G Gardiner, E Guillaume, M Aveyard, B Bastian, I Bronin, ...
Social psychological and personality science 8 (3), 252-266, 2017
Science-religion compatibility beliefs across Middle Eastern and American young adult samples: The role of cross-cultural exposure
K Rios, M Aveyard
Public Understanding of Science 28 (8), 949-957, 2019
A multi-site collaborative study of the hostile priming effect
R McCarthy, W Gervais, B Aczel, RL Al-Kire, M Aveyard, ...
Collabra: Psychology 7 (1), 18738, 2021
Pancultural nostalgia in action: Prevalence, triggers, and psychological functions of nostalgia across cultures.
EG Hepper, C Sedikides, T Wildschut, WY Cheung, G Abakoumkin, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2024
Perceptions of emotional functionality: Similarities and differences among dignity, face, and honor cultures
AT Maitner, J DeCoster, PA Andersson, K Eriksson, S Sherbaji, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53 (3-4), 263-288, 2022
Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg (1998) Multilab direct replication of: A variant of study 4 from Dijksterhuis, A. & van Knippenberg, A.(1998)
M O’Donnell, LD Nelson, E Ackermann, B Aczel, A Akhtar, S Aldrovandi, ...
The relation between perception and behavior, or how to win a game of, 1-38, 2017
Moving words: Language comprehension produces representational motion
RA Zwaan, CJ Madden, RH Yaxley, ME Aveyard
Cognitive Science 28 (4), 2004
Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Sample and Setting
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
OSF, 2014
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Articles 1–20