Christian Iliadis
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Nuclear physics of stars
C Iliadis
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: II. Tables and graphs of reaction rates and probability density functions
C Iliadis, R Longland, AE Champagne, A Coc, R Fitzgerald
Nuclear Physics A 841 (1-4), 31-250, 2010
Proton-induced thermonuclear reaction rates for A= 20–40 nuclei
C Iliadis, JM D’Auria, S Starrfield, WJ Thompson, M Wiescher
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 (1), 151, 2001
The effects of thermonuclear reaction-rate variations on nova nucleosynthesis: A sensitivity study
C Iliadis, A Champagne, J José, S Starrfield, P Tupper
The astrophysical Journal supplement series 142 (1), 105, 2002
Reaction rates and reaction sequences in the rp-process
L Van Wormer, C Iliadis, M Wiescher
The Astrophysical Journal 432, 326-350, 1994
Light nuclei in galactic globular clusters: constraints on the self-enrichment scenario from nucleosynthesis
N Prantzos, C Charbonnel, C Iliadis
Astronomy & Astrophysics 470 (1), 179-190, 2007
STARLIB: a next-generation reaction-rate library for nuclear astrophysics
AL Sallaska, C Iliadis, AE Champange, S Goriely, S Starrfield, FX Timmes
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 207 (1), 18, 2013
The thermonuclear runaway and the classical nova outburst
S Starrfield, C Iliadis, WR Hix
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 128 (963), 051001, 2016
Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: I. Monte Carlo method and statistical distributions
R Longland, C Iliadis, AE Champagne, JR Newton, C Ugalde, A Coc, ...
Nuclear Physics A 841 (1-4), 1-30, 2010
Nucleosynthesis in classical novae
J José, M Hernanz, C Iliadis
Nuclear Physics A 777, 550-578, 2006
Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: III. Nuclear physics input
C Iliadis, R Longland, AE Champagne, A Coc
Nuclear Physics A 841 (1-4), 251-322, 2010
Nucleosynthesis in type I X-ray bursts
A Parikh, J José, G Sala, C Iliadis
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 69, 225-253, 2013
The effects of thermonuclear reaction rate variations on 26Al production in massive stars: a sensitivity study
C Iliadis, A Champagne, A Chieffi, M Limongi
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 193 (1), 16, 2011
The effects of variations in nuclear processes on type I X-ray burst nucleosynthesis
A Parikh, J José, F Moreno, C Iliadis
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 178 (1), 110, 2008
Direct Measurement of the Factor
RC Runkle, AE Champagne, C Angulo, C Fox, C Iliadis, R Longland, ...
Physical review letters 94 (8), 082503, 2005
Reaction rate uncertainties and the operation of the NeNa and MgAl chains during HBB in intermediate-mass AGB stars
RG Izzard, M Lugaro, AI Karakas, C Iliadis, M van Raai
Astronomy & Astrophysics 466 (2), 641-648, 2007
Proton single-particle reduced widths for unbound states
C Iliadis
Nuclear Physics A 618 (1-2), 166-175, 1997
New stellar reaction rates for Mg 25 (p, γ) 26 Al and Al 25 (p, γ) 26 Si
C Iliadis, L Buchmann, PM Endt, H Herndl, M Wiescher
Physical Review C 53 (1), 475, 1996
Breakout from the hot CNO cycle: The 18 F (p, γ) vs 18 F (p, α) branching ratio
S Utku, JG Ross, NPT Bateman, DW Bardayan, AA Chen, J Görres, ...
Physical Review C 57 (5), 2731, 1998
Reaction rates for the -process neutron source Ne
R Longland, C Iliadis, AI Karakas
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (6), 065809, 2012
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Articles 1–20