Shaikh Faruque Ali
Shaikh Faruque Ali
Associate Professor, IIT-Madras
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Non-linear piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting from a vertical cantilever beam with tip mass
MI Friswell, SF Ali, O Bilgen, S Adhikari, AW Lees, G Litak
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 23 (13), 1505-1521, 2012
Analysis of energy harvesters for highway bridges
SF Ali, MI Friswell, S Adhikari
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22 (16), 1929-1938, 2011
Energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorbers
SF Ali, S Adhikari
Journal of Applied Mechanics 80 (4), 041004, 2013
An account of chronological developments in control of distributed parameter systems
R Padhi, SF Ali
Annual Reviews in Control 33, 59-68, 2009
The analysis of piezomagnetoelastic energy harvesters under broadband random excitations
SF Ali, S Adhikari, MI Friswell, S Narayanan
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7), 074904-074904-8, 2011
Piezoelectric energy harvesting with parametric uncertainty
SF Ali, MI Friswell, S Adhikari
Smart Materials and Structures 19 (10), 105010, 2010
Energy harvesting from chaos in base excited double pendulum
R Kumar, S Gupta, SF Ali
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 124, 49-64, 2019
Energy generation in a hybrid harvester under harmonic excitation
M Rajarathinam, SF Ali
Energy conversion and management 155, 10-19, 2018
Optimal fuzzy logic control for MDOF structural systems using evolutionary algorithms
SF Ali, A Ramaswamy
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 22 (3), 407-419, 2009
Optimal blood glucose regulation of diabetic patients using single network adaptive critics
SF Ali, R Padhi
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 32 (2), 196-214, 2011
Hybrid structural control using magnetorheological dampers for base isolated structures
SF Ali, A Ramaswamy
Smart Materials and Structures 18 (5), 055011, 2009
Dynamic response mitigation of floating wind turbine platforms using tuned liquid column dampers
V Jaksic, CS Wright, J Murphy, C Afeef, SF Ali, DP Mandic, V Pakrashi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical …, 2015
Dynamic response mitigation of floating wind turbine platforms using tuned liquid column dampers
V Jaksic, CS Wright, J Murphy, C Afeef, SF Ali, DP Mandic, V Pakrashi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Testing and modeling of MR damper and its application to SDOF systems using integral backstepping technique
S FARUQUE ALL, A Ramaswamy
Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control 131 (2), 2009
Magneto-elastic oscillator: Modeling and analysis with nonlinear magnetic interaction
KA Kumar, SF Ali, A Arockiarajan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 393, 265-284, 2017
Analysis of energy harvesting from multiple pendulums with and without mechanical coupling
PV Malaji, SF Ali
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 (14), 2823-2838, 2015
Effect of road surface, vehicle, and device characteristics on energy harvesting from bridge–vehicle interactions
P Cahill, V Jaksic, J Keane, A O'Sullivan, A Mathewson, SF Ali, V Pakrashi
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31 (12), 921-935, 2016
Broadband vibration energy harvesting from a vertical cantilever piezocomposite beam with tip mass
O Bilgen, MI Friswell, SF Ali, G Litak
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 15 (02), 1450038, 2015
Modeling and design of a class of hybrid bistable symmetric laminates with cantilever boundary configuration
A Mukherjee, MI Friswell, SF Ali, A Arockiarajan
Composite Structures 239, 112019, 2020
Dynamics of symmetric and asymmetric potential well-based piezoelectric harvesters: A comprehensive review
AM Giri, SF Ali, A Arockiarajan
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 32 (17), 1881-1947, 2021
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Articles 1–20