Laura Starks
Laura Starks
George Kozmetsky Centennial Distinguished University Chair and Professor of Finance, McCombs School
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Cited by
Cited by
Institutional investors and executive compensation
JC Hartzell, LT Starks
The journal of finance 58 (6), 2351-2374, 2003
Corporate governance proposals and shareholder activism: The role of institutional investors
SL Gillan, LT Starks
Journal of financial Economics 57 (2), 275-305, 2000
Firms and social responsibility: A review of ESG and CSR research in corporate finance
SL Gillan, A Koch, LT Starks
Journal of Corporate Finance 66, 101889, 2021
The importance of climate risks for institutional investors
P Krueger, Z Sautner, LT Starks
The Review of financial studies 33 (3), 1067-1111, 2020
Of tournaments and temptations: An analysis of managerial incentives in the mutual fund industry
KC Brown, WV Harlow, LT Starks
The Journal of Finance 51 (1), 85-110, 1996
Behind the scenes: The corporate governance preferences of institutional investors
JA McCahery, Z Sautner, LT Starks
The Journal of Finance 71 (6), 2905-2932, 2016
Internal monitoring mechanisms and CEO turnover: A long‐term perspective
MR Huson, R Parrino, LT Starks
the Journal of Finance 56 (6), 2265-2297, 2001
Corporate governance, corporate ownership, and the role of institutional investors: A global perspective
S Gillan, LT Starks
Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance Working Paper, 2003
Voting with their feet: Institutional ownership changes around forced CEO turnover
R Parrino, RW Sias, LT Starks
Journal of financial economics 68 (1), 3-46, 2003
The evolution of shareholder activism in the United States
SL Gillan, LT Starks
Active institutional shareholders and costs of monitoring: Evidence from executive compensation
A Almazan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
Financial management 34 (4), 5-34, 2005
Greener pastures and the impact of dynamic institutional preferences
JA Bennett, RW Sias, LT Starks
The Review of Financial Studies 16 (4), 1203-1238, 2003
Changes in institutional ownership and stock returns: Assessment and methodology
RW Sias, LT Starks, S Titman
The Journal of Business 79 (6), 2869-2910, 2006
A survey of shareholder activism: Motivation and empirical evidence
S Gillan, LT Starks
Available at SSRN 663523, 1998
An equilibrium model of asset trading with sequential information arrival
RH Jennings, LT Starks, JC Fellingham
The Journal of Finance 36 (1), 143-161, 1981
ESG shareholder engagement and downside risk
AGF Hoepner, I Oikonomou, Z Sautner, LT Starks, XY Zhou
Review of Finance 28 (2), 483-510, 2024
Gender diversity on corporate boards: Do women contribute unique skills?
D Kim, LT Starks
American Economic Review 106 (5), 267-271, 2016
Return autocorrelation and institutional investors
RW Sias, LT Starks
Journal of Financial economics 46 (1), 103-131, 1997
Signaling, investment opportunities, and dividend announcements
PS Yoon, LT Starks
The Review of Financial Studies 8 (4), 995-1018, 1995
Indexing and active fund management: International evidence
M Cremers, MA Ferreira, P Matos, L Starks
Journal of Financial Economics 120 (3), 539-560, 2016
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Articles 1–20