YoungGak KIM
YoungGak KIM
Senshu university
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Cited by
Plant turnover and TFP dynamics in Japanese manufacturing
K Fukao, YG Kim, HU Kwon
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, 2006
Measuring organization capital in Japan: an empirical assessment using firm-level data
T Miyagawa, YG Kim
Seoul Journal of Economics 21 (1), 169-193, 2008
Why was Japan left behind in the ICT revolution?
K Fukao, K Ikeuchi, YG Kim, HU Kwon
Telecommunications Policy 40 (5), 432-449, 2016
An international comparison of the TFP levels and the productivity convergence of Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese listed firms
K Fukao, T Inui, K Ito, YG Kim, T Yuan
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 9 (2), 127-150, 2011
Deferred compensation: evidence from employer-employee matched data from Japan
K Fukao, R Kambayashi, D Kawaguchi, HU Kwon, YG Kim, I Yokoyama
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, 2006
Management practices and firm performance in Japanese and Korean firms: an empirical study using interview surveys
T Miyagawa, K Lee, S Kabe, J Lee, H Kim, Y Kim, K Edamura
Research Inst. of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2010
The structural causes of Japan’s lost decades
K Fukao, K Ikeuchi, YG Kim, HU Kwon, T Makino, M Takizawa
Third World KLEMS Conference, Tokyo, Japan, May, 19-20, 2014
Innovation and Employment Growth in Japan: Analysis Based on Microdata from the Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities
K Fukao, K Ikeuchi, YG Kim, HU Kwon
The Japanese Economic Review 68 (2), 200-216, 2017
The Structural Causes of Japan's" Two Lost Decades"(Japanese)
YG Kim, K Fukao, T Makino
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), 2010
Are Wage‐tenure Profiles Steeper than Productivity‐tenure Profiles?―Evidence from Japanese Establishment Data from the Census of Manufacturers and the Basic Survey Wage …
D Kawaguchi, HU Kwon, S Shimizutani, K Fukao, T Makino, I Yokoyama, ...
Economic Review 58 (1), 61-90, 2007
Lessons from Japan’s secular stagnation
K Fukao, K Ikeuchi, HU Kwon, T Makino, K YoungGak, M Takizawa
The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry: RIETI Discussion …, 2015
A comparative analysis of productivity growth and productivity dispersion: Microeconomic evidence based on listed firms from Japan, Korea, and China
K Ito, M Jung, YG Kim, T Yuan
Center for Economic Institutions
YG Kim
Cross-border vertical integration and intra-firm trade: New evidence from Korean and Japanese firm-level data
H Chun, J Hur, YG Kim, HU Kwon
Asian Economic Papers 16 (2), 126-139, 2017
Plant productivity dynamics and private and public R&D spillovers: Technological, geographic and relational proximity
R Belderbos, K Ikeuchi, K Fukao, YG Kim, HU Kwon
Center for Economic Inst., Inst. for Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Univ., 2013
Entry and exit of companies and establishments, and productivity at the industry level
YG Kim, HU Kwon, K Fukao
RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 022, 2007
International Competitiveness: A comparison of the Manufacturing sectors in Korea and Japan
K Fukao, K Ikeuchi, YG Kim, HU Kwon, T Makino
Seoul Journal of Economics 29 (1), 43-68, 2016
Management Practices and Firm Performance in Japanese and Korean Firms
K Lee, T Miyagawa, S Kabe, J Lee, H Kim, Y Kim, K Edamura
Paper presented CAED Tokyo Conference on October 2, 2009, 2009
Estimating Production Functions with R&D Investment and Endogeneity
Y Kim
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, 2007
Aggregate and firm-level volatility in the Japanese economy
YG Kim, HU Kwon
The Japanese Economic Review 68 (2), 158-172, 2017
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Articles 1–20