Xianfu Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Optimized computation offloading performance in virtual edge computing systems via deep reinforcement learning
X Chen, H Zhang, C Wu, S Mao, Y Ji, M Bennis
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4005-4018, 2019
Deep learning with long short-term memory for time series prediction
Y Hua, Z Zhao, R Li, X Chen, Z Liu, H Zhang
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (6), 114-119, 2019
Deep reinforcement learning for resource management in network slicing
R Li, Z Zhao, Q Sun, I Chih-Lin, C Yang, X Chen, M Zhao, H Zhang
IEEE Access 6, 74429-74441, 2018
Energy-Efficient Optimization for Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Large-Scale MIMO Systems Employing Energy Beamforming
X Chen, X Wang, X Chen
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2 (6), 667-670, 2013
Energy-Efficiency Oriented Traffic Offloading in Wireless Networks: A Brief Survey and A Learning Approach for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
X Chen, J Wu, Y Cai, H Zhang, T Chen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (4), 627-640, 2015
Software defined mobile networks: Concept, survey, and research directions
T Chen, M Matinmikko, X Chen, X Zhou, P Ahokangas
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (11), 126-133, 2015
GAN-powered deep distributional reinforcement learning for resource management in network slicing
Y Hua, R Li, Z Zhao, X Chen, H Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (2), 334-349, 2019
Delay-aware and energy-efficient computation offloading in mobile-edge computing using deep reinforcement learning
L Ale, N Zhang, X Fang, X Chen, S Wu, L Li
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 7 (3), 881-892, 2021
TACT: a transfer actor-critic learning framework for energy saving in cellular radio access networks
R Li, Z Zhao, X Chen, J Palicot, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (4), 2000-2011, 2014
Performance optimization in mobile-edge computing via deep reinforcement learning
X Chen, H Zhang, C Wu, S Mao, Y Ji, M Bennis
2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-6, 2018
Age of information aware radio resource management in vehicular networks: A proactive deep reinforcement learning perspective
X Chen, C Wu, T Chen, H Zhang, Z Liu, Y Zhang, M Bennis
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 19 (4), 2268-2281, 2020
Wireless edge computing with latency and reliability guarantees
MS Elbamby, C Perfecto, CF Liu, J Park, S Samarakoon, X Chen, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (8), 1717-1737, 2019
Computation offloading in beyond 5G networks: A distributed learning framework and applications
X Chen, C Wu, Z Liu, N Zhang, Y Ji
IEEE Wireless Communications 28 (2), 56-62, 2021
Multi-tenant cross-slice resource orchestration: A deep reinforcement learning approach
X Chen, Z Zhao, C Wu, M Bennis, H Liu, Y Ji, H Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (10), 2377-2392, 2019
Decentralized trust evaluation in vehicular Internet of Things
S Guleng, C Wu, X Chen, X Wang, T Yoshinaga, Y Ji
IEEE Access 7, 15980-15988, 2019
Point cloud video streaming: Challenges and solutions
Z Liu, Q Li, X Chen, C Wu, S Ishihara, J Li, Y Ji
IEEE Network 35 (5), 202-209, 2021
Rethinking Modern Communication from Semantic Coding to Semantic Communication
K Lu, Q Zhou, R Li, Z Zhao, X Chen, J Wu, H Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022
Joint user association and resource allocation for wireless hierarchical federated learning with IID and non-IID data
S Liu, G Yu, X Chen, M Bennis
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (10), 7852-7866, 2022
Optimal Base Station Sleeping in Green Cellular Networks: A Distributed Cooperative Framework Based on Game Theory
J Zheng, Y Cai, X Chen, R Li, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015
Stochastic Power Adaptation with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks
X Chen, Z Zhao, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (11), 2155-2166, 2013
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